Daily Draw 10-04-2014

Daily Draw 10-04-2014

Lenormand: 19 Tower & 13 Child & 34 Fish

A new perspective brings happiness. A minor respite or time-out might help put things into perspective. Enriching my life by just being happy and enjoying simple things. Something new that brings joy and happiness (enriches my life).

Great Lenormand: 5 of Hearts & King of Spades & Queen of Diamonds

Failing to either find proper assistance or give aid brings out a rather tense and precarious situation. Misjudging a person or situation might lead to discord and friction if I am not careful. Might have to be careful not to rush into a decision that could wind up biting me in the butt later on as it was a fool’s decisions.

Skat: 7 of Clubs & 7 of Hearts & 10 of Hearts

Minor upset or frustration that passes fairly quickly, making way to harmony and happiness. A minor upset in/regarding a relationship that passes quickly. Hiding upset or irritation from someone else.

Tarot: 6 of Skulls * (6 of Pentacles)

Clingy, needy, greedy, unwilling/unable to share, feeling impoverished or lacking, failure, withdrawal, delays, selfishness. I might not feel very ‘charitable’ or caring today in terms of sharing something with someone else. Keeping something close to my vest and being rather closed off and withdrawn. Feeling lacking in a way or that I’m missing something ‘vital’. Careful not to give in to excess and make a bad (financial) decision.


Daily Draw 10-03-2014

Lenormand: 19 Tower & 16 Stars & 33 Key

New insights or taking a fresh view on something brings not only clarity but a solution/resolution. Withdrawal in order to gain valuable/needed insight and clarity in a matter.

ð Been struggling with a decision whether to get something or not. Been trying to be careful with our bandwidth. I know we have more now, but still, trying to play it smart. Neither of us felt like going anywhere today so we decided to stay home and have a nice evening just with the two of us.

Great Lenormand: 9 of Spades & 10 of Diamonds & 3 of Clubs

A message or piece of information leads to planning an event that I’m not yet sure how it’ll turn out. Talks regarding a plan or upcoming project/event. More careful planning might be required for it to turn out well.

ð We do want to go to a casino soon, though, as well as the beach. Hubby and I agreed, if nothing comes up, we likely will go the next off-days he has after finishing his night shift and the extra days he’s got coming up after that.

Skat: Ace of Diamonds & 7 of Clubs * & 9 of Clubs *

News, a piece of information or document creating friction and irritation as it heralds delays and obstacles that need to be overcome. Feeling blocked and limited in what I can accomplish in a given matter no matter how hard I try to figure out a way to get it done/make it happen.

ð We decided to delay our visit to the beach or casino once more. With him being on night shift, he just either wakes up too late and most things would be closed by the time he would’ve gotten up and ready, or he’d have to suffer staying up at hours he’s not used to, messing up his sleep schedule … and I know how that feels. So we figured, patience might be a good idea.

Tarot: 6 of Knives (6 of Swords)

Focus, concentration, analysis, discovery, moving forward, communication. It might be a good idea today to focus on something, make sure I’m looking at every angle before I proceed or go for it. Also, it might be time to talk about my ideas/thoughts and see what others have to say/add. A need to move forward/onward in a matter.

ð Overall, just talked about future plans such as going to the casino (never been) and going to the beach (never been before either), and making a couple more investments. Other than that, just chilled at the house.