Tag Archives: Ring

Daily Draw 08-22-2014

Daily Draw 08-22-2014

Lenormand: 25 Ring & 33 Schlüssel

Relationship, connection, agreement, promise, responsibility; club, repetition. Security, certainty; solution. A certain relationship, one I can trust in. Repetitive activities or something coming back around (for better or worse). Coming/entering into an agreement.

Great Lenormand: King of Hearts & 10 of Clubs

Time-out, meditation, reflection, withdrawal. Caution, tentative approach/progress, defensive. Something might be causing me to feel defensive and in need of a time-out or break. Feeling weary and insecure about making a commitment or taking action. Might be a good day to not jump into things without thinking matters through carefully.

Skat: 8 of Spades & Jack of Clubs

Trouble, short trip, visit, evening, short duration/quickly. Negativity, negation, official matters/institution; pet. A short period of irritation and/or problems that passes quickly. Worries regarding a pet.

Tarot: Prince of Knives (Knight of Swords)

Free thinking, analyzing, theorizing, curiosity, probing. Feeling in the mood to analyze something, wanting to find answers to a question/situation. Carefully looking at a situation from all possible angles. Caution not to be too over-analytical and questioning everything just for questioning’s sake.


Daily Draw 08-21-2014

Lenormand: 7 Snake & 4 House

Intelligence, cunning, wit, jealousy, envy, treachery, a woman of questionable attitude/disposition. Home, house, neighborhood, self, body, roots, origin, security/comfort. Something sneaky and questionable going on in/around the house (or myself), something I’m missing or not fully being aware of that is going on. Jealousy/envy undermining stability and/or sense of comfort. Something that’s making me uneasy but not might be able to fully explain why it does.

ð Not quite sure. I know I’m a bit worried about the kitten’s eye which started worrying again.

Great Lenormand: 6 of Diamonds & 4 of Spades

Deception, treachery, trick, cunning, cheating. Lies, disguise, deception, questionable moral/disposition. Might have to be very cautious today as there seems to be something or someone that is pretending to be something/someone it/they is/are not. Someone trying to make me feel comfortable but with questionable/bad intentions. Having to put out a fire I started (or someone else started and now I’ve got to figure out a way to limit the damage).

ð Still unsure. Maybe me feeling rather irritated about having to be so extra careful at the moment with my bandwidth.

Skat: 8 of Spades & Jack of Clubs

Short trip, visit, trouble, jealousy, short duration/quickly. Negativity, negation, official matters/institutions, pet. Trouble of a passing yet very annoying nature. Something that develops rather quickly and sudden that causes problems and issues. An issue I should not dismiss too quickly and easily but that might need more attention.

ð Worries about kitten eye. It looks pretty bad, and I just hope the vet hasn’t misjudged/misdiagnosed it and the treatment is going to work. I hope I’m worrying for nothing.

Tarot: 3 of Skulls (3 of Pentacles)

Shaping something, working on/with something, having to juggle several matters/chores/tasks, creating something. Way this card looks, it makes me think of the ‘spinner’ that keeps on weaving threads and webs continuously, shaping and forming things according to her will and whim. Artful and industrious. You’d think she way she holds the threat it ought to snap, but it is apparently strong enough to be stretched the way she is. Taking control of something (or someone aka myself) in order to create the outcome I desire, or, at least, work towards it. Not letting things slide but seize control of an opportunity or matter that needs to be addressed and dealt with.

ð Main thing I was ‘working’ on yesterday was some game stuff. And meals, trying to figure out with hubby what best for him to take with him to work. Overall, day went fairly well and smooth.

Daily Draw 07-23-2014

Daily Draw 07-23-2014

Lenormand: 34 Fish

Money, finances, riches, wealth, multitude/plenty; depth, subconscious. Money and/or finances could be a topic for today – hubby might have something he’d like to talk about? I know he’s working overtime and he’s got some ideas where and how to spend that money. Might be talking some more about it. Or, otherwise, being cautious and smart with money, not wasting it.

Great Lenormand: Queen of Hearts

Intuition, advice, guidance, finger pointing. I know I’m shuffling the cards, apparently not well enough as this card seems to be having a fondness for me lately. I might be ‘overhearing’ or ignoring a message my inner guidance has been trying to get across to me? Following my intuition/inner guidance might proof useful.

Skat: 8 of Hearts *

Event, get-together, meeting; pleasantness, romance. Reversed, something rather unpleasant might take place today. Or I find myself confronted with a rather unpleasant surprise and/or situation. I know my hubby’s cousin is supposed to come over today to check out some workout DVD’s as she’s wanting to get in shape. Pray hope that’s not it. Though, she’s been nice enough so far …

Tarot: Lord of Scepters (King of Wands)

Drive, ambition, motivation, getting things done and taken care of. Either a man who’s got those qualities, or I might have to go and “man up” today in a matter, get active, pursue it with determination and not stop til it’s done.


Daily Draw 07-22-2014

Lenormand: 25 Ring

Commitment, agreement, relationship, marriage; club; circle, repetition. An agreement being struck of some sort. Or, more likely, feeling a bit like in a rut, repeating the same thing over and over. I know I still haven’t entirely finished that driver’s license manual. Plus, I’d like to re-read it at least once, slowly, going over everything a couple of times. Hubby says I’m making it way more complicated and psyching myself out way more than I should. Probably right, he is, but still.

ð Studying the manual went better today. The ‘repetition’ of going through the stuff several times is helping, before I continue. How much I’m going to retain, oh boy, I pray hope enough. Why I’m trying to get through it once, and then at least one more time before taking that test. Otherwise, talked to my mom today, which, well, apart from one subject, it went smooth. Otherwise, no other commitments/agreements today.

Great Lenormand: 9 of Spades

Bad news, ominous news, weariness. Hope not, but might be hearing or receiving news today that I won’t necessarily like too much. Or, might have to give someone ‘bad’ news?

ð For once, one of the games I usually play online had maintenance today – initially a 12-hour maintenance schedule, that was then extended by another (supposedly) 2 hours, but looked more like it took even longer. Anyway, bottom line, didn’t play it, which is fine. But, sheesh, that’s one heck of a maintenance, alright. The other thing I think this pertains to is my talk to my mom on the phone. She upset me when I told her about the kitten. Thought it might cheer her up a bit to hear he’s doing better. Nope, first thing she asked when I told her he had had an eye infection was “and you didn’t put him down?”. I was like “what? For an eye infection?!” Her take being, he might have FIP, and if he does, he might/could infect the other inside cats and so on and forth. We didn’t get into an all-out argument, but, that was most certainly *not* the reaction I anticipated. But, then, I should’ve known better. She’s always been one to jump to the most disastrous and worst case possible. Not that I hadn’t worried about that myself, hoping the eye infection isn’t symptom for something else. But to just put the bugger down because he *might* have it? Good grief.

Skat: Jack of Clubs

Negativity, negation, failure, something going wrong/awry; institution; pet. Something not going as planned or hoped for. Or, one of our cats might become important today. Our little kitten is still not 100%, well, it’s eyes. He’s starting to walk around better. But, especially his right eye still looks … not good. Looks like it’s still got a ‘bubble’ on there even though I’ve been giving him his meds for close to 2 weeks.

ð Think both, the extended maintenance for the online game plus the phone call by my mom.

Tarot: Daughter of Scepters (Page of Scepters)

Feeling passionate about something/someone; enticement, inspiration, spark, enthusiasm, optimism. Might feel enthusiastic or inspired by something or someone. Feeling like getting active, doing something, and pursuing a goal more actively. Could be, I’d like to get started back on a fitness program today. Not feeling all that spunky, but, still, been inactive for a while and don’t quite like that.

ð Hmm, think it might’ve been me finally getting my butt off the chair, and doing a short workout, at least. Not terribly much, maybe, at 20 minutes, but it was still *something* to get me started. Told hubby, I’m trying to get into something of a routine, and it works better for me if I work out fairly soon after I get up and am still somewhat fresh and motivated. Usually, the longer the day goes, and I get into doing this and that, my motivation for working out goes down at the same rate. But, felt good to have at least gotten started. Now, to keep it up.

Daily Draw 07-22-2014

Daily Draw 07-22-2014

Lenormand: 25 Ring

Commitment, agreement, relationship, marriage; club; circle, repetition. An agreement being struck of some sort. Or, more likely, feeling a bit like in a rut, repeating the same thing over and over. I know I still haven’t entirely finished that driver’s license manual. Plus, I’d like to re-read it at least once, slowly, going over everything a couple of times. Hubby says I’m making it way more complicated and psyching myself out way more than I should. Probably right, he is, but still.

Great Lenormand: 9 of Spades

Bad news, ominous news, weariness. Hope not, but might be hearing or receiving news today that I won’t necessarily like too much. Or, might have to give someone ‘bad’ news?

Skat: Jack of Clubs

Negativity, negation, failure, something going wrong/awry; institution; pet. Something not going as planned or hoped for. Or, one of our cats might become important today. Our little kitten is still not 100%, well, it’s eyes. He’s starting to walk around better. But, especially his right eye still looks … not good. Looks like it’s still got a ‘bubble’ on there even though I’ve been giving him his meds for close to 2 weeks.

Tarot: Daughter of Scepters (Page of Scepters)

Feeling passionate about something/someone; enticement, inspiration, spark, enthusiasm, optimism. Might feel enthusiastic or inspired by something or someone. Feeling like getting active, doing something, and pursuing a goal more actively. Could be, I’d like to get started back on a fitness program today. Not feeling all that spunky, but, still, been inactive for a while and don’t quite like that.


Daily Draw 07-21-2014

Lenormand: 13 Child

Child, naive, innocence, playfulness, beginnings, something new. Something new might come up today, might start or embark on a ‘new’ journey. Also, trying to be open-minded and playful about events, going about things in a relaxed and playful manner.

ð Played my games for a while, then went back into studying the driver’s license manual. However, frankly, I didn’t fare so well in that regard. Didn’t study very long, went back to playing games. Felt rather restless, and didn’t have much of a mind for studying, if I’m honest. Not sure, just, didn’t feel like it, and when I tried to study, it felt like it wasn’t really ‘sticking’ either. Hope today will be better. I need to get that stuff somehow memorized.

Great Lenormand: Queen of Hearts

Advice, guidance, pointing the finger. Might be a good idea to either listen or seek advice in matters I’m not sure of. Not being afraid/ashamed to ask for help or guidance in a matter.

ð No finger pointing, though I teased hubby about him eating up all the chicken wings the other night. Thought be some left to snack on, and, upon opening the freezer I realized he done killed them all. He got some more stuff at night. Otherwise, I think, it was just me being not in the mood to study, so I somewhat ‘listened’ to my myself and did something else rather than attempt to keep on reading.

Skat: Jack of Spades

Negativity, lies, betrayal, deceit; *dirty* sex. Either, I might feel like not being entirely truthful about something, or someone might be either flat-out lying to me about something, or try to lie or deceive me in some way. Might be something not quite above board going on.

ð Didn’t talk to no one today, actually. Maybe me feeling guilty about not studying the manual more than I did. I know the time’s flying by, and he’ll be wanting to go shortly so I really need to make sure I’ve studied the material properly. Simply couldn’t get into the study mood, however, and I felt like none of what I read really ‘stuck’, which was frustrating, and I gave it up hoping today will be better.

Tarot: Queen of Knives * (Queen of Swords)

Cunning, sharp wit, discerning, ability to reason and evaluate, perception. Reversed, I might loose objectivity or my judgment / ability to look at something objectively might be clouded. Might not wish to see something, or someone, for what they truly are, or simply fail to recognize when someone’s pulling wool over my eyes as they’re very skilled at it. Being naïve, and too trusting? Wishing to believe something, though deep down inside I might know better/otherwise? Logic used to ‘cut’ and ‘hurt’, rather than help get to the bottom of something or settle affairs in a calm and objective manner.

ð Didn’t ‘hurt’ no one I can think of nor did anyone hurt me, fortunately, no harsh words or such. Didn’t interact with anyone in particular either. What I think this is/was about is (well was) my inability to really study the driver license manual as I set out to do yesterday. Stopped playing games around noon as I’ve come to do, and start reading a few pages, do something else, go over the material in my mind, then go back to re-reading and reading a few more pages … push repeat. Yesterday, for some odd reason, though, it felt like I just couldn’t quite get into that study mode, and I read several pages … yet I felt like my mind wouldn’t absorb nor retain any of the information … or not well, let’s put it that way. Almost like a mental block and got aggravated with myself for not being able to study. So I tried for a while, then, when it wouldn’t get better, gave it up, decided to do something else and come back today.