Tag Archives: Widower

Daily Draw 01-01-2015

Daily Draw 01-01-2015

Small Lenormand

18 Dog – friend, friendship, loyalty, guard/attention

A friend or friendship might play a role today. Showing or being loyal to something or someone. On the other side, might be a good idea to pay attention and focus.

Great Lenormand

King of Diamonds – home, romance, caring, good, trustworthy & honest person (man)

A man that is showing his affection or that might be important to me today. Matter of/around the house/home, domestic matters that should and might need to be addressed.


Ace of Hearts * – outside of the home, external matters/influences, neighborhood, building/house

Something outside of the actual home – wonder if this might be the yard, or all together off the property, somewhere in the neighborhood or downtown. Hubby said he wanted to go make another run to the store … though I have my doubts much if anything is open today.


28 Expectation – longing, waiting, expectation, hopes

Either me or hubby might be anticipating something, or hoping for something. An air of expectation and longing for something. I know today hubby’s college football team is playing in the play-offs, and it will determine whether his team goes to the National Championship or not. So, while he claims that it’s not all that important him any more as it used to me, I do think he’s still hyped up for it.


Love – love, romance, affection

And overall air or mood of caring and love. Showing that I care for something or something. Something, or someone, dear to me that might need more attention.


6 of Skulls (6 of Pentacles)

Fair give and take, sharing and not being stingy about helping someone out if they need help. Also, not being afraid to ask for help should I require any. Having plenty to go around and even spread the ‘wealth’ – whether that be necessarily financially/monetary, or by way of moral/physical support/aid.


Daily Draw 12-31-2014

Small Lenormand

34 Fish – money, finances, subconscious, liquid/alcohol, flow

Remaining smart with the money. Going with the flow of events.

ð Hubby got restless, was talking about going out after all. Then he reconsidered. Frustrating at times.

Great Lenormand

5 of Diamonds – acting before thinking, hast, inconsideration, pending disaster, stubbornness

Time to not be stubborn or act reckless as it might have some unpleasant consequences. Listening to advice and instructions so things won’t get out of hand but go smooth.

ð It’s difficult for me at times to figure out when I’m being a ‘klutz’ and too timid about doing something, or when it’s warranted caution. I felt somewhat like I was holding hubby back last night being too worried about me driving at night on New Years when I had just started driving not even a week ago and hadn’t been actually driving but roughly 3 times, on county roads mostly. Driving at night in a big city still freaks me out a bit. On the flip side, however, I could tell that he wouldn’t have mind going somewhere and ‘party’. I know he’s more outgoing and more of a ‘party animal’ than I am, and at times I feel like I’m asking too much of a sacrifice when I’m not sure I want to go out. Don’t want to go and get into another argument like we did a couple of years ago.


7 of Diamonds – unrest, stress, excitement

Might feel a bit stressed and/or frustrated about something. Trying to stay calm and centered could help and not getting wrapped up in a moment or issue.

ð Hubby and his attitude. He first said “no, not a good idea” about going out after all since I hadn’t been driving a lot and didn’t feel comfy yet doing it – especially not at night in a bigger city. But, I could tell a part of him wanted to. Felt so frustrated as I don’t want to make him feel he can’t have fun and let off some steam due to my timidity or hesitation. I so wish he could finally find him a good, decent friend that he could do that with. Not to shove him off to another person, but I think it would do him good to go out and have a ‘guy’s night’ out once every so often.


14 Sad news – messages, news, usually not always the best nor most pleasant

Hearing about something unpleasant or having to break unpleasant news to someone else. Something that might dampen the spirits a bit.

ð Sad news as such, no. Felt down, though, as I got the impression I was putting a damper on hubby’s good mood and fun time bringing in the new year by being reluctant to go and drive that night. Plus, he made a comment or two that hit home with me, and rather depressed me.


Widower – loneliness, separation, withdrawal

Feeling of being isolated and/or being left out of something. A mood of withdrawal and not feeling too social today.

ð I felt ok most of the day until hubby decided to go and start fireworks. He made some comments and remarks that depressed me, and I was worried we’d be headed for yet another fight. Tried to put on a brave face and not let him know that his comments hurt me, but, there are just some things that make me feel very insecure and like I’m hindering him from being as happy as he could, and should, be. I wonder at times if he’d not be happier without me.


Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Feeling a bit emotional and getting swamped up in emotions if I’m not careful. Feeling inspired and motivated to pursue a dream or vision. Might feel excited and enthusiastic about something. Being creative and following my intuition.

ð This card seems to frequently show up when I’m having a mood swing, or my emotions are somewhat unsteady and all over the place. Over-emotional might fit the bill. In any event, things were good, then went down the dumps for me for a bit, brightened somewhat again. Overall, however, I don’t know. This New Year’s Eve was not the most ‘fun’ or ‘happy’ I’ve ever had. Went into it with mixed feelings, and I just hope I can live up to the expectations hubby’s got for me, apparently.

Daily Draw 12-31-2014

Daily Draw 12-31-2014

Small Lenormand

34 Fish – money, finances, subconscious, liquid/alcohol, flow

Remaining smart with the money. Going with the flow of events.

Great Lenormand

5 of Diamonds – acting before thinking, hast, inconsideration, pending disaster, stubbornness

Time to not be stubborn or act reckless as it might have some unpleasant consequences. Listening to advice and instructions so things won’t get out of hand but go smooth.


7 of Diamonds – unrest, stress, excitement

Might feel a bit stressed and/or frustrated about something. Trying to stay calm and centered could help and not getting wrapped up in a moment or issue.


14 Sad news – messages, news, usually not always the best nor most pleasant

Hearing about something unpleasant or having to break unpleasant news to someone else. Something that might dampen the spirits a bit.


Widower – loneliness, separation, withdrawal

Feeling of being isolated and/or being left out of something. A mood of withdrawal and not feeling too social today.


Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Feeling a bit emotional and getting swamped up in emotions if I’m not careful. Feeling inspired and motivated to pursue a dream or vision. Might feel excited and enthusiastic about something. Being creative and following my intuition.


Daily Draw 12-30-2014

Small Lenormand

34 Fish – money, finances, subconscious, flowing, liquid/alcohol

For one, making sound financial decisions, being careful with how I/we spend money today. Also, overall might be a good idea to do a budget check. Besides that, I might just need to go with the flow of the day, and relax.

ð Initially, we wanted to go watch the upcoming college football play-offs at a place downtown, but since I haven’t been driving a lot yet, and the game being in the evening/night time, we decided it probably isn’t the best idea and to not only bring in the New Year but also watch the game at home. Plus, so hubby reasoned, instead of blowing that money in a bar drinking and eating, go and invest it.

Great Lenormand

6 of Diamonds – deception, corruption, hypocrisy, enemy, adversity.

Someone or something detrimental that I might not be able to ‘see’ initially. Someone or something playing tricks on me in some ways, trying to fool or deceive me. Or I might be the one not being entirely straight in a matter. Being cautious that not everything is quite what it might seem to be at first sight today.

ð Not sure, ran into a situation when I came home in a guild where a member apparently misbehaved. Otherwise, I hope that one of the current candidates for the other factions guild is not going to wind up the new guild master. I just don’t get a warm fuzzy feel from the guy as being in charge of a guild. It’s the same person I ran into some minor issues with. As nice and fun as they are, frankly, I’m not sure they’re suited for it.


7 of Hearts * – secret, hidden, flirt, affair

I might be keeping something from someone today or feel someone’s not telling me the whole story. Either way, I might get the impression I’m lacking insight/information.

ð We were a bit unsure how to bring in New Years. Been wanting to go to a local light show on New Years Eve day, but weather got too cold and funky so we nixed that idea. Otherwise, not sure what this might refer to other than the guild situation with the guild member as well as the vote on guild master.


31 Short illness – something wrong, illness, disease, exhaustion

A feeling of exhaustion and that something is just not quite right – either with myself, someone else or a situation. Trying to figure out how to remedy/cure/improve a situation that isn’t working well or detrimental.

ð Didn’t sleep best, got woke up too early by the cats yesterday and felt somewhat groggy and tired all day. Hubby had a minor incident that fortunately passed quickly. Gave me a scare for a second.


Enemy – an enemy, adversity, obstacle, negativity

I might have to face at least one obstacle or issue today that might be rather unpleasant. Being careful not to succumb to negativity and keep a positive attitude. Might have to make sure that I’m not becoming the ‘problem’ in a situation. But also beware that there might be something or someone that’s working against me.

ð Again, not sure. I’m trying to keep a positive attitude and have confidence in myself now that I’m actually driving, but at times, I feel stressed out. Hubby says it’s normal and will pass with time and experience. I hope. Right now I feel more like a nervous wreck than anything else. Alas, we haven’t crashed yet, so I take that as a good sign.


7 of Grails * (7 of Cups) – disappointment, disillusion, dashed hopes

Not everything is likely to work out as I hope for today. There might be some minor disappointments and/or let downs ahead. I might need to re-adjust my ideas and/or goals in a matter, make sure it’s realistic, and try to focus on one or two matters at a time instead of too many at once.

ð Was hoping we’d be able to catch the one light show before the event ends, but, weather done got too cold and funky and we decided to wait till next year to do it. Didn’t really want to, but somehow our little trip to the vet to drop the two tomcats off to get fixed turned into an almost all-day event going to town. Was fun, yes, but not quite how I had my day planned out initially when I got up.