Tag Archives: Ace of Hearts

Daily Draw 01-09-2015

Daily Draw 01-09-2015

Small Lenormand

21 Mountain – obstacle, hindrance, burden, slowing-down

Something might be cumbersome or difficult to get around, an obstacle I might not have counted on causing issues. Need or good idea to slow down.

Great Lenormand

Lady – female querent, lover, woman

I might need to put myself in the foreground or take a step back – a healthy measure of self-confidence and humility might be worth striving for. Not putting myself front center in everything, but at the same time not totally forgetting about myself either.


Ace of Hearts * – outside house, neighborhood, another house/building, impersonal

A matter outside the house might arise that needs attention. Might learn of something that doesn’t effect me personally but still has importance of some sort.


23 Courthouse – judgment, official business, institution

Might have to deal with an official or public matter/institution. Or, having to make a public/official announcement of sort? Feeling the need to make a decision.


Sweetheart – female querent, lover, woman

Balance between self-awareness and self-confidence and humility and caring for others.


Ace of Knives (Ace of Swords)

Decision, clarity of mind, common sense, need for clarification, logic, rationality. Might be a good idea to use my common sense and good judgment today in order to discern a matter or situation. Feeling clear-minded enough to make a sound decision.


Daily Draw 01-08-2015

Small Lenormand

34 Fish – finances, money, subconscious, flow, liquid/alcohol, plenty

Money and/or financial situation might be a subject today. Going with the flow of events and how I and hubby are feeling.

ð Trying to get into the mood for a few things but not really feeling it so I’m been going pretty much with what my mood ‘strikes’ me with instead of forcing myself to do things I think I *should/need/ought* to do. Hubby been looking at a few things online but put them on the backburner til payday. Budget getting tight, so we need to be more cautious with spending.

Great Lenormand

2 of Spades – advice, secrets, acknowledging & learning from (life’s) lessons, change

It might be a good idea to heed someone’s advice or suggestion. Learning from a situation/mistake.

ð Not sure, didn’t give advice nor receive any I can think of other than hubby keeping on talking about me going back to work and telling me what he thinks I should be applying for.


8 of Hearts * – disinterest, detachment, friendship rather than romance

In a given situation, I might feel rather emotionally detached or uninvolved. Something that doesn’t feel too important to me or that I don’t feel emotionally very invested in.

ð Haven’t felt like playing much online lately. Not sure what’s going on, but I can’t quite get in the mood for it.


8 Deceitful Person – deceit, lie, falsity, disguise, hidden agenda

Either I myself might not be utterly honest in a matter or someone else might not be telling me everything I feel I should/need to know. Something that has a hidden or questionable air about it. Not being aware of everything that’s going on.

ð Not sure. I know I’m getting slightly aggravated about hubby harping on me going back to work and telling me what jobs he thinks I need apply for. I kind of understand where he’s coming from, but he’s starting to get a little overbearing and pushy.


House – house, home, building, private/domestic environment

Matters in/around the house might become more important today or require attention. Domestic/private matters that call for attention. Feeling at home or rooted in a matter or situation.

ð Did some chores around the house I’ve been slacking on past few days a bit that I need to tighten up on again.


4 of Scepters * (4 of Wands)

Something unsettled or incomplete, feeling disappointed, lack of structure, instability. I might feel that something or someone is not jiving well with me today, feeling rather uneasy and restless. I might need to make sure that whatever I’m doing, I’m doing it slowly and with purpose, no rushing or lack of focus as it might cause tension and instability.

ð Mostly did not feel like playing my online games much. Played one for a bit … I feel like a restart is needed, but I still feel obligated towards my buddies for not just up and leaving. Makes me uncomfortable and insecure what to do. Otherwise, getting a tad irritated with hubby keeping on talking about me getting my driver’s license and then going back to work. He says he won’t push/force me into anything but *he* thinks that what I *need* to do as *he* thinks it would make me feel better. We talked about it before, and I don’t think I can get through to him how I feel on most days to start with. I do not think I can hold up to a job like he’s talking about similar to his with shift work. I’m struggling horribly as is with just staying up some longer when he’s on night shift … doing a full switch over like he does. It probably take me 4 days of getting somewhat acclimated to it and being pretty much in no mood to do nothing during that period. And, it reminds me painfully of my bodies apparent short coming and issues that no one has been able to figure out and help me with.

Daily Draw 01-02-2015

Daily Draw 01-02-2015

Small Lenormand

25 Ring – relationship, circle, cycle, club/group, repetition

Either a relationship or group of people that plays a role today. Or feeling a bit like stuck in a rut.

Great Lenormand


Hubby might have something in particular today coming up, or he might need some extra attention.


7 of Clubs – illusion, tears, frustration

Might get frustrated and/or let-down by something or someone today. Need to try to remain down to earth and realistic, not let others irritate and/or frustrate me too easily, or get discouraged too quickly.


29 Prison – confinement, prison, limitations, hindrances

Might be facing limitations and restrictions today of some sort. Being limited in what I can do, or should do. Might have to exercise restraint for the better.


Jealousy – jealousy, envy, conflict

Being jealous of someone else or someone else might be envying me something. What anyone would envy me, I don’t know. Overall, an air of unease and friction/tension.


Ace of Knives * (Ace of Swords)

Confusion and/or misunderstanding. Inability to see or perceive something or someone clearly or objectively. I might have problems remaining objective and/or logical in a matter. Unable to find an answer or solution to a problem. I might feel rather confused and uncertain.

Daily Draw 01-01-2015

Small Lenormand

18 Dog – friend, friendship, loyalty, guard/attention

A friend or friendship might play a role today. Showing or being loyal to something or someone. On the other side, might be a good idea to pay attention and focus.

ð Hubby had an argument with an old friend of his. Old friend was complaining hubby supposedly never calls, never talks to him any more, hasn’t forever and a day etc etc. I know hubby tried. Watched him several times trying to call the friend and either friend didn’t pick up or was too busy with something/someone else to talk and ran him off the phone. They messaged back and forth a while, and it ended in pretty much hubby telling him off and not to contact him again until he gets his head straight.

Great Lenormand

King of Diamonds – home, romance, caring, good, trustworthy & honest person (man)

A man that is showing his affection or that might be important to me today. Matter of/around the house/home, domestic matters that should and might need to be addressed.

ð Me and hubby had a pretty good day together at home


Ace of Hearts * – outside of the home, external matters/influences, neighborhood, building/house

Something outside of the actual home – wonder if this might be the yard, or all together off the property, somewhere in the neighborhood or downtown. Hubby said he wanted to go make another run to the store … though I have my doubts much if anything is open today.

ð We went for a quick pit-stop to a local store and picked up a couple of things, went by McDonalds for breakfast as it was about the only thing open locally. It took forever to place the order. The cashier, I don’t know if she was being a jerk or hung over, or both, but she asked me 3 times whether I wanted my chicken grilled or crispy … then didn’t ring it up as a meal … it was a mess. Was about to get snappy with her, and hubby was about to blow a gasket.


28 Expectation – longing, waiting, expectation, hopes

Either me or hubby might be anticipating something, or hoping for something. An air of expectation and longing for something. I know today hubby’s college football team is playing in the play-offs, and it will determine whether his team goes to the National Championship or not. So, while he claims that it’s not all that important him any more as it used to me, I do think he’s still hyped up for it.

ð His favorite team didn’t make it, though he really would’ve loved for them to win, of course. He has another team he favors a lot that was playing as well, and they won. So, not an utter ‘loss’, but I could tell hubby was disappointed his favorite team didn’t make.


Love – love, romance, affection

And overall air or mood of caring and love. Showing that I care for something or something. Something, or someone, dear to me that might need more attention.

ð Was trying to make sure hubby has a nice day. Didn’t appreciate his old friend acting up and accusing him of neglecting him and whatever else under the sun. Not like he has been easy to get a hold off. Constantly new phone numbers, doesn’t answer the phone, has other things to do and runs hubby off the phone etc. etc. Then wants to make it out like hubby’s the ‘bad’ guy here, and the ‘bad’ friend. I don’t know. Hubby’s old friend has changed over the years, and not necessarily for the better. We’ve changed, too, to be fair. So, maybe our changes are not in line with the old friends changes. I don’t know. Just hated it put a damper on the day and that things went south between them.


6 of Skulls (6 of Pentacles)

Fair give and take, sharing and not being stingy about helping someone out if they need help. Also, not being afraid to ask for help should I require any. Having plenty to go around and even spread the ‘wealth’ – whether that be necessarily financially/monetary, or by way of moral/physical support/aid.

ð Hubby had a fit with an old friend after the friend accused him of being a ‘bad’ friend, never calling, never talking to him any more when I know hubby tried numerous times to no avail. Or didn’t hear back from the friend for weeks, even months … just to get a message how ‘badly’ the friend all of the sudden had/wanted to talk to hubby and such. Just to go and not be available or run hubby off the phone, once more. So, hubby gave him a bit of his medicine, and told him what he thought of that kind of treatment in turn. Didn’t fare well. Otherwise, we chilled and relaxed. I wound up helping someone in one of my online games but, that’s about it.

Daily Draw 01-01-2015

Daily Draw 01-01-2015

Small Lenormand

18 Dog – friend, friendship, loyalty, guard/attention

A friend or friendship might play a role today. Showing or being loyal to something or someone. On the other side, might be a good idea to pay attention and focus.

Great Lenormand

King of Diamonds – home, romance, caring, good, trustworthy & honest person (man)

A man that is showing his affection or that might be important to me today. Matter of/around the house/home, domestic matters that should and might need to be addressed.


Ace of Hearts * – outside of the home, external matters/influences, neighborhood, building/house

Something outside of the actual home – wonder if this might be the yard, or all together off the property, somewhere in the neighborhood or downtown. Hubby said he wanted to go make another run to the store … though I have my doubts much if anything is open today.


28 Expectation – longing, waiting, expectation, hopes

Either me or hubby might be anticipating something, or hoping for something. An air of expectation and longing for something. I know today hubby’s college football team is playing in the play-offs, and it will determine whether his team goes to the National Championship or not. So, while he claims that it’s not all that important him any more as it used to me, I do think he’s still hyped up for it.


Love – love, romance, affection

And overall air or mood of caring and love. Showing that I care for something or something. Something, or someone, dear to me that might need more attention.


6 of Skulls (6 of Pentacles)

Fair give and take, sharing and not being stingy about helping someone out if they need help. Also, not being afraid to ask for help should I require any. Having plenty to go around and even spread the ‘wealth’ – whether that be necessarily financially/monetary, or by way of moral/physical support/aid.


Daily Draw 12-31-2014

Small Lenormand

34 Fish – money, finances, subconscious, liquid/alcohol, flow

Remaining smart with the money. Going with the flow of events.

ð Hubby got restless, was talking about going out after all. Then he reconsidered. Frustrating at times.

Great Lenormand

5 of Diamonds – acting before thinking, hast, inconsideration, pending disaster, stubbornness

Time to not be stubborn or act reckless as it might have some unpleasant consequences. Listening to advice and instructions so things won’t get out of hand but go smooth.

ð It’s difficult for me at times to figure out when I’m being a ‘klutz’ and too timid about doing something, or when it’s warranted caution. I felt somewhat like I was holding hubby back last night being too worried about me driving at night on New Years when I had just started driving not even a week ago and hadn’t been actually driving but roughly 3 times, on county roads mostly. Driving at night in a big city still freaks me out a bit. On the flip side, however, I could tell that he wouldn’t have mind going somewhere and ‘party’. I know he’s more outgoing and more of a ‘party animal’ than I am, and at times I feel like I’m asking too much of a sacrifice when I’m not sure I want to go out. Don’t want to go and get into another argument like we did a couple of years ago.


7 of Diamonds – unrest, stress, excitement

Might feel a bit stressed and/or frustrated about something. Trying to stay calm and centered could help and not getting wrapped up in a moment or issue.

ð Hubby and his attitude. He first said “no, not a good idea” about going out after all since I hadn’t been driving a lot and didn’t feel comfy yet doing it – especially not at night in a bigger city. But, I could tell a part of him wanted to. Felt so frustrated as I don’t want to make him feel he can’t have fun and let off some steam due to my timidity or hesitation. I so wish he could finally find him a good, decent friend that he could do that with. Not to shove him off to another person, but I think it would do him good to go out and have a ‘guy’s night’ out once every so often.


14 Sad news – messages, news, usually not always the best nor most pleasant

Hearing about something unpleasant or having to break unpleasant news to someone else. Something that might dampen the spirits a bit.

ð Sad news as such, no. Felt down, though, as I got the impression I was putting a damper on hubby’s good mood and fun time bringing in the new year by being reluctant to go and drive that night. Plus, he made a comment or two that hit home with me, and rather depressed me.


Widower – loneliness, separation, withdrawal

Feeling of being isolated and/or being left out of something. A mood of withdrawal and not feeling too social today.

ð I felt ok most of the day until hubby decided to go and start fireworks. He made some comments and remarks that depressed me, and I was worried we’d be headed for yet another fight. Tried to put on a brave face and not let him know that his comments hurt me, but, there are just some things that make me feel very insecure and like I’m hindering him from being as happy as he could, and should, be. I wonder at times if he’d not be happier without me.


Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Feeling a bit emotional and getting swamped up in emotions if I’m not careful. Feeling inspired and motivated to pursue a dream or vision. Might feel excited and enthusiastic about something. Being creative and following my intuition.

ð This card seems to frequently show up when I’m having a mood swing, or my emotions are somewhat unsteady and all over the place. Over-emotional might fit the bill. In any event, things were good, then went down the dumps for me for a bit, brightened somewhat again. Overall, however, I don’t know. This New Year’s Eve was not the most ‘fun’ or ‘happy’ I’ve ever had. Went into it with mixed feelings, and I just hope I can live up to the expectations hubby’s got for me, apparently.

Daily Draw 11-05-2014

Daily Draw 11-05-2014

Small Lenormand: 19 Tower & 15 Bear & 17 Stork

Distance, official – diplomacy, property – change, movement

It might take a bit of diplomacy and compromising in order to effect the change(s) I might have in mind. I might need to take a new perspective on a matter that’ll help me figure out how to get something done. Someone or something giving me a new perspective on something. Feeling rather withdrawn and irritable.

Great Lenormand: 10 of Diamonds & Ace of Clubs & 5 of Hearts

Travel, commerce – success, accomplishment – politics, diplomacy, foreign

Successful journey – successful completion, travel/interference, distraction – weakness, predicament

Might make a trip today that promises to be successful and go well. Connections with others ought to be positive as well, in general. However, might have to be careful to focus on what I want today, or I might get distracted and side-tracked, which might cause complications.

Skat: 7 of Hearts * & 7 of Spades * & King of Clubs

Secret, something hidden – sadness, one-sided – man with authority/knowledge/social standing

Inner or hidden turmoil and sadness over another person or knowledge that cut but that I keep inside. A secret or lie that hurts me and causes me sadness. Someone trying to keep their problems hidden from me.

Wisdom of Avalon: 11 Hawk

Omens – Messages

It might benefit me today to pay special attention to my intuition and what others are trying to get through to me. Communication and conversations might have a bit more importance and meaning than I give them credit initially. There may be more being ‘said’ in what’s left unsaid, so I should listen carefully.

Tarot: 6 of Knives* (6 of Swords)

I might be confused about something, or feel that I’m having problems getting to the bottom of something. I might refuse to see the truth of a matter, or make the changes that I know I should be making. On the flip side, I might suffer from lack of confidence in myself about being able to handle something or not trust my own reasoning powers/judgment.


Daily Draw 11-04-2014

Small Lenormand: 4 House & 34 Fish & 11 Rods

Home/origin – money/plenty – friction/activity

Domestic purchases or financial considerations related to the home or personal items. Feeling a bit conflicted regarding purchases for the home or for myself.

ð Bought something, indeed, that hubby was after. The other purchase he had in mind didn’t come to pass, he walked out of the store as for one, they didn’t have what he really wanted, and second, he felt somewhat ignored by the employees and it made him mad.

Great Lenormand: Ace of Hearts & Jack of Hearts & 4 of Diamonds

Kinship/family – support, determination – protection, sponsorship, success

Strong family ties, unity, peace – invitation, advice, flattery/help, fulfillment, success – worries, help

Finding strength and support in my immediate environment, family and close friends, will help me achieve my goal(s) today. Being supportive towards someone close to me. Might need to ask for help from someone in order to overcome something that is worrying or troubling me.

ð We took one of our kittens to the vet. He’s been having trouble breathing and kept sneezing for several days in a row so we decided to see about getting him some help. He’s got a upper respiratory infection.

Skat: Queen of Hearts & Jack of Diamonds & 10 of Diamonds

Woman, female querent – luck, communication – wealth, finances, stability

Talking about financial matters that I feel need to be addressed, or someone talking to me about money and financial things. Conversations that bring a sense of stability and security. “Enriching” conversations.

ð Hubby been talking about planning and making sure we’re working towards trying to make sure our retirement is taken care off. He’s trying to figure out a few details, and how best to go about a few things in that regard.

Wisdom of Avalon: 16 Bee

Luck, industriousness, sweet victory

I might need to get busy in a matter today if I want to get it done. Applying myself, and keeping on working on something is likely to pay off. Perseverance and hard work in a matter is likely going to bring about success.

ð We went to town, which turned out to be a decent trip. Came home and I admit, didn’t do much afterwards other than cook dinner for hubby later on before laying back down, and playing our games.

Tarot: Daughter of Scepters (Page of Wands)

Creativity, idea, message, new encounter, renewed energy/joy/optimism.

I might have some new ideas or find inspiration. I might learn or hear of something new that I find very interesting or that otherwise is stimulating and new. Might also be a good time to follow up things and use that spark of energy.

ð Hubby’s excited about some things he’s been coming across on YouTube. He’s trying to soak up the information … and while I’m glad he’s feeling that some things are making a bit more sense, some of the things I’m a bit worried about he might get a tad carried away by it.

Daily Draw 11-04-2014

Daily Draw 11-04-2014

Small Lenormand: 4 House & 34 Fish & 11 Rods

Home/origin – money/plenty – friction/activity

Domestic purchases or financial considerations related to the home or personal items. Feeling a bit conflicted regarding purchases for the home or for myself.

Great Lenormand: Ace of Hearts & Jack of Hearts & 4 of Diamonds

Kinship/family – support, determination – protection, sponsorship, success

Strong family ties, unity, peace – invitation, advice, flattery/help, fulfillment, success – worries, help

Finding strength and support in my immediate environment, family and close friends, will help me achieve my goal(s) today. Being supportive towards someone close to me. Might need to ask for help from someone in order to overcome something that is worrying or troubling me.

Skat: Queen of Hearts & Jack of Diamonds & 10 of Diamonds

Woman, female querent – luck, communication – wealth, finances, stability

Talking about financial matters that I feel need to be addressed, or someone talking to me about money and financial things. Conversations that bring a sense of stability and security. “Enriching” conversations.

Wisdom of Avalon: 16 Bee

Luck, industriousness, sweet victory

I might need to get busy in a matter today if I want to get it done. Applying myself, and keeping on working on something is likely to pay off. Perseverance and hard work in a matter is likely going to bring about success.

Tarot: Daughter of Scepters (Page of Wands)

Creativity, idea, message, new encounter, renewed energy/joy/optimism.

I might have some new ideas or find inspiration. I might learn or hear of something new that I find very interesting or that otherwise is stimulating and new. Might also be a good time to follow up things and use that spark of energy.


Daily Draw 11-03-2014

Small Lenormand: 25 Ring & 6 Clouds & 26 Book

Relationship – confusion – secret

I might be faced with a confusion situation or matter related to one of my relationships or groups or responsibilities that I can’t quite get a beat on what’s going on. I might feel that someone isn’t quite telling me everything I believe they should or that there’s more to a situation than meets the eye (or that I’m aware of). Another possibility is the suspicion that something’s going on that I don’t know much off but that keeps nagging and worrying me – suspecting something’s up but either the other party isn’t forthcoming about what is going on, or something that I have no knowledge off or not enough knowledge about.

ð If someone was keeping a secret or information from me, I don’t know of it now no more than yesterday. I am, however, starting to second guess my membership in a group a little bit.

Great Lenormand: 6 of Hearts & 6 of Clubs & King of Spades

Success, fulfillment – Insincere/difficult reconciliation/truce – legal/juridical affairs, judgment

(Marriage) Proposal – boredom, sorrow, reflection / success, support – unethical/illegal actions

I might be faced with a difficult decision today in which there seems little to no true success possible. I might have to settle for less than I hoped for in a matter, and try to make the best out of the situation. Though I may try to look for support in a matter, it’s not likely that I’ll be able to find any. Also, I should be careful not to go along with questionable or iffy suggestions/proposals.

ð I didn’t feel well. This whole switch over is messing me up again in regards to energy and determination. Had to slow down a little more than I cared for. Unethical actions, not that I’m aware of. Was annoyed by the rather inconsiderate actions by a couple of people, but, that’s about it.

Skat: Queen of Hearts & King of Clubs & 10 of Clubs

Woman/questioner – Man of authority/knowledge – Disagreement, quarrel

I might be running into a situation with another person that may think they know more than I do … or I should be careful not to get too high on my horse about something I actually might not know as much about as I thought. Feeling lacking in knowledge/information in a matter that bothers me a great deal.

ð Ran into a couple of people that seemed to think that they run the show and need to let me know that they know better. Which, frankly, what they were telling me, I already knew, but, whatever.

Tarot: Chariot

Could be a good day to go tackle a few things I’ve been wanting to get done. Having the drive and motivation to follow through with something. Might want to be careful about charging into situations too hastily with fervor but possibly not enough knowledge of what I’m doing.

ð Wanted to do a lot more than I wound up accomplishing. Managed to tackle two chores I had on my hit list for a few days around the house, so I’m glad I at least mustered up the energy and determination for that. Seriously started to bother me postponing it.

Wisdom of Avalon: 32 Partnership

Relationships with others but also with my environment in general might be important today – how I relate to others, myself etc. Also, groups of people might play a more important role today for me.

ð Might be one of my groups I’m in. Not that I dislike the people, but some of the language and things they keep talking about and referring to is, well, I find it somewhat immature and uncalled for. Alas it’s the group leaders so who am I to tell them how they can talk and about what.

Daily Draw 11-04-2014

Daily Draw 11-04-2014

Small Lenormand: 4 House & 34 Fish & 11 Rods

Home/origin – money/plenty – friction/activity

Domestic purchases or financial considerations related to the home or personal items. Feeling a bit conflicted regarding purchases for the home or for myself.

Great Lenormand: Ace of Hearts & Jack of Hearts & 4 of Diamonds

Kinship/family – support, determination – protection, sponsorship, success

Strong family ties, unity, peace – invitation, advice, flattery/help, fulfillment, success – worries, help

Finding strength and support in my immediate environment, family and close friends, will help me achieve my goal(s) today. Being supportive towards someone close to me. Might need to ask for help from someone in order to overcome something that is worrying or troubling me.

Skat: Queen of Hearts & Jack of Diamonds & 10 of Diamonds

Woman, female querent – luck, communication – wealth, finances, stability

Talking about financial matters that I feel need to be addressed, or someone talking to me about money and financial things. Conversations that bring a sense of stability and security. “Enriching” conversations.

Wisdom of Avalon: 16 Bee

Luck, industriousness, sweet victory

I might need to get busy in a matter today if I want to get it done. Applying myself, and keeping on working on something is likely to pay off. Perseverance and hard work in a matter is likely going to bring about success.

Tarot: Daughter of Scepters (Page of Wands)

Creativity, idea, message, new encounter, renewed energy/joy/optimism.

I might have some new ideas or find inspiration. I might learn or hear of something new that I find very interesting or that otherwise is stimulating and new. Might also be a good time to follow up things and use that spark of energy.


Daily Draw 11-03-2014

Small Lenormand: 25 Ring & 6 Clouds & 26 Book

Relationship – confusion – secret

I might be faced with a confusion situation or matter related to one of my relationships or groups or responsibilities that I can’t quite get a beat on what’s going on. I might feel that someone isn’t quite telling me everything I believe they should or that there’s more to a situation than meets the eye (or that I’m aware of). Another possibility is the suspicion that something’s going on that I don’t know much off but that keeps nagging and worrying me – suspecting something’s up but either the other party isn’t forthcoming about what is going on, or something that I have no knowledge off or not enough knowledge about.

ð If someone was keeping a secret or information from me, I don’t know of it now no more than yesterday. I am, however, starting to second guess my membership in a group a little bit.

Great Lenormand: 6 of Hearts & 6 of Clubs & King of Spades

Success, fulfillment – Insincere/difficult reconciliation/truce – legal/juridical affairs, judgment

(Marriage) Proposal – boredom, sorrow, reflection / success, support – unethical/illegal actions

I might be faced with a difficult decision today in which there seems little to no true success possible. I might have to settle for less than I hoped for in a matter, and try to make the best out of the situation. Though I may try to look for support in a matter, it’s not likely that I’ll be able to find any. Also, I should be careful not to go along with questionable or iffy suggestions/proposals.

ð I didn’t feel well. This whole switch over is messing me up again in regards to energy and determination. Had to slow down a little more than I cared for. Unethical actions, not that I’m aware of. Was annoyed by the rather inconsiderate actions by a couple of people, but, that’s about it.

Skat: Queen of Hearts & King of Clubs & 10 of Clubs

Woman/questioner – Man of authority/knowledge – Disagreement, quarrel

I might be running into a situation with another person that may think they know more than I do … or I should be careful not to get too high on my horse about something I actually might not know as much about as I thought. Feeling lacking in knowledge/information in a matter that bothers me a great deal.

ð Ran into a couple of people that seemed to think that they run the show and need to let me know that they know better. Which, frankly, what they were telling me, I already knew, but, whatever.

Tarot: Chariot

Could be a good day to go tackle a few things I’ve been wanting to get done. Having the drive and motivation to follow through with something. Might want to be careful about charging into situations too hastily with fervor but possibly not enough knowledge of what I’m doing.

ð Wanted to do a lot more than I wound up accomplishing. Managed to tackle two chores I had on my hit list for a few days around the house, so I’m glad I at least mustered up the energy and determination for that. Seriously started to bother me postponing it.

Wisdom of Avalon: 32 Partnership

Relationships with others but also with my environment in general might be important today – how I relate to others, myself etc. Also, groups of people might play a more important role today for me.

ð Might be one of my groups I’m in. Not that I dislike the people, but some of the language and things they keep talking about and referring to is, well, I find it somewhat immature and uncalled for. Alas it’s the group leaders so who am I to tell them how they can talk and about what.

Daily Draw 11-04-2014

Daily Draw 11-04-2014

Small Lenormand: 4 House & 34 Fish & 11 Rods

Home/origin – money/plenty – friction/activity

Domestic purchases or financial considerations related to the home or personal items. Feeling a bit conflicted regarding purchases for the home or for myself.

Great Lenormand: Ace of Hearts & Jack of Hearts & 4 of Diamonds

Kinship/family – support, determination – protection, sponsorship, success

Strong family ties, unity, peace – invitation, advice, flattery/help, fulfillment, success – worries, help

Finding strength and support in my immediate environment, family and close friends, will help me achieve my goal(s) today. Being supportive towards someone close to me. Might need to ask for help from someone in order to overcome something that is worrying or troubling me.

Skat: Queen of Hearts & Jack of Diamonds & 10 of Diamonds

Woman, female querent – luck, communication – wealth, finances, stability

Talking about financial matters that I feel need to be addressed, or someone talking to me about money and financial things. Conversations that bring a sense of stability and security. “Enriching” conversations.

Wisdom of Avalon: 16 Bee

Luck, industriousness, sweet victory

I might need to get busy in a matter today if I want to get it done. Applying myself, and keeping on working on something is likely to pay off. Perseverance and hard work in a matter is likely going to bring about success.

Tarot: Daughter of Scepters (Page of Wands)

Creativity, idea, message, new encounter, renewed energy/joy/optimism.

I might have some new ideas or find inspiration. I might learn or hear of something new that I find very interesting or that otherwise is stimulating and new. Might also be a good time to follow up things and use that spark of energy.


Daily Draw 11-03-2014

Small Lenormand: 25 Ring & 6 Clouds & 26 Book

Relationship – confusion – secret

I might be faced with a confusion situation or matter related to one of my relationships or groups or responsibilities that I can’t quite get a beat on what’s going on. I might feel that someone isn’t quite telling me everything I believe they should or that there’s more to a situation than meets the eye (or that I’m aware of). Another possibility is the suspicion that something’s going on that I don’t know much off but that keeps nagging and worrying me – suspecting something’s up but either the other party isn’t forthcoming about what is going on, or something that I have no knowledge off or not enough knowledge about.

ð If someone was keeping a secret or information from me, I don’t know of it now no more than yesterday. I am, however, starting to second guess my membership in a group a little bit.

Great Lenormand: 6 of Hearts & 6 of Clubs & King of Spades

Success, fulfillment – Insincere/difficult reconciliation/truce – legal/juridical affairs, judgment

(Marriage) Proposal – boredom, sorrow, reflection / success, support – unethical/illegal actions

I might be faced with a difficult decision today in which there seems little to no true success possible. I might have to settle for less than I hoped for in a matter, and try to make the best out of the situation. Though I may try to look for support in a matter, it’s not likely that I’ll be able to find any. Also, I should be careful not to go along with questionable or iffy suggestions/proposals.

ð I didn’t feel well. This whole switch over is messing me up again in regards to energy and determination. Had to slow down a little more than I cared for. Unethical actions, not that I’m aware of. Was annoyed by the rather inconsiderate actions by a couple of people, but, that’s about it.

Skat: Queen of Hearts & King of Clubs & 10 of Clubs

Woman/questioner – Man of authority/knowledge – Disagreement, quarrel

I might be running into a situation with another person that may think they know more than I do … or I should be careful not to get too high on my horse about something I actually might not know as much about as I thought. Feeling lacking in knowledge/information in a matter that bothers me a great deal.

ð Ran into a couple of people that seemed to think that they run the show and need to let me know that they know better. Which, frankly, what they were telling me, I already knew, but, whatever.

Tarot: Chariot

Could be a good day to go tackle a few things I’ve been wanting to get done. Having the drive and motivation to follow through with something. Might want to be careful about charging into situations too hastily with fervor but possibly not enough knowledge of what I’m doing.

ð Wanted to do a lot more than I wound up accomplishing. Managed to tackle two chores I had on my hit list for a few days around the house, so I’m glad I at least mustered up the energy and determination for that. Seriously started to bother me postponing it.

Wisdom of Avalon: 32 Partnership

Relationships with others but also with my environment in general might be important today – how I relate to others, myself etc. Also, groups of people might play a more important role today for me.

ð Might be one of my groups I’m in. Not that I dislike the people, but some of the language and things they keep talking about and referring to is, well, I find it somewhat immature and uncalled for. Alas it’s the group leaders so who am I to tell them how they can talk and about what.

Daily Draw 10-30-2014

Daily Draw 10-30-2014

Small Lenormand: 14 Fox & 29 Lady & 16 Stars

Trying to be smart in order to get something clarified and/or working. Finding or being able to glean information/advice from intuition. Using my wit in order to accomplish something.

Great Lenormand: 4 of Clubs & Ace of Diamonds & Queen of Clubs

A project comes to a successful end or makes a good progress. Communication might bring about success and happiness in a matter. Reaching out to someone else in order to clarify a matter or seek advice in order to accomplish things. A compliment being paid as result of past efforts/interactions.

Skat: 9 of Diamonds & 8 of Diamonds & Ace of Hearts

Unexpected positive private/domestic event. A nice surprise in/around the home or of a personal nature.

Tarot: Prince of Knives * (Knight of Swords)

I might want to be cautious not to rush into anything. If I’m not careful, I might act recklessly or carelessly, jumping to conclusions instead of taking a step back and thinking matters through for a moment or two before saying or acting upon the matter at hand. Might want to be careful not to say something hurtful or lash out at someone due to irritation and/or anger/irritation.


Daily Draw 10-26-2014

Small Lenormand: 4 House & 17 Stork & 30 Lily

Harmonious changes in the home. Things are centered around family and domestic/private matters. Trying to make things more enjoyable and peaceful in/around the house. Getting the house ready for winter time.

ð Prepared for the Florida trip. I know neither of us was too keen on it, but, we promised to do it so we made sure we were on the same page in terms of when to get up etc.

Great Lenormand: Queen of Hearts & Queen of Clubs & King of Clubs

Using my own intuition and inner guidance in conjunction with someone else’s advice in order to achieve something today. Trying to do everything by myself might just simply not work out quite as well. Feeling somewhat self-confident that I can handle a situation with a bit of research and help from other sources.

ð More like hoping things would work out. Was mainly pre-occupied with the trip, hoping it would go smooth without trouble.

Skat: King of Hearts & 10 of Hearts & 8 of Diamonds

Hubby has some fortunate changes or things going on for him today. Hubby might have the solution to a ‘problem’ or have a positive idea or something that would make him happy he’d like to do.

ð No particular idea. Just a few thoughts he’s been tossing around and talking about what else he’d like to do on our way back home. He had a few places in mind he wanted to go check out before coming home.

Tarot: 5 of Skulls * (5 of Pentacles)

Feeling worried and anxious about something, feeling exhausted and drained. A certain matter might just lack a good foundation and crumble or fall apart. Lacking substance to accomplish or sustain something. Might have to face that giving something up that’s costing more energy/money might just be the smarter thing to do.

ð Trip had me worried a bit. Plus for some odd reason it always feels like ‘forever’ to get there and back. Oddly enough, when we reach the next bigger city which is about halfway between where we live and his mom’s current address, it still feels like half eternity to get there. Then there’s the worry about how both of them are acting as in the past there sometimes were tensions boiling over or close to boiling over. So, I was a tad concerned to be walking into a possible ‘mine field’.

Daily Draw 10-24-2014

Daily Draw 10-24-2014

Small Lenormand: 22 Roads & 30 Lily & 25 Ring

Familiar/domestic decisions in a relationship or regarding a commitment/responsibility. Trying to find new ways of enriching a relationship or considering a new proposition (or considering making a proposition to someone).

Great Lenormand: 8 of Spades & Ace of Diamonds & 4 of Clubs

Bad news leading to mixed feelings or attempt o do something about it. Trying to find a resolution after receiving bad news or after having been insulted (or feeling insulted/embarrassed) by someone or something.

Skat: Queen of Hearts & 9 of Spades & King of Hearts

Feeling upset by someone or something that might make me feel powerless or insignificant. Getting upset about someone’s ‘snotty’ behavior? Having or getting into an argument with someone over something.

Tarot: Lord of Scepters (King of Wands)

Determination and forceful will might either be needed today or something I might want to beware of ‘over-using’. Might have to be more assertive and direct in my approach today in a matter. Taking charge in a situation or matter.


Daily Draw 10-23-2014

Small Lenormand: 4 House & 10 Scythe & 20 Park

A personal matter being made public, maybe not in the best fashion. Feeling ambivalent about an outing or social event. An unexpected social or official matter effecting myself or the home.

ð Hubby handed in vacation notice for December. I’m not feeling all too enthusiastic about going to Florida, but, I understand his motivation. I just don’t care for the never-ending trip that makes you feel like you’ll never get to your destination. He informed me in the evening that he had talked to his mom, and let her know we won’t be staying over night. Truth be told, he’s not really all too thrilled himself but he said he’s getting a great deal on the rifle and helping his mom out at the same time.

Great Lenormand: Ace of Hearts & 2 of Clubs & Jack of Clubs

Trying to make ends meet in a matter, and come to a satisfying conclusion might not be as easy nor possible. A personal matter that might drag on/out longer than I care for. Unexpected obstacles or issues arising.

ð We’re undecided whether to go on another trip the day following our Florida trip to his mom, or just make a little stop somewhere along the road home from Florida. Hubby asked me for input, but, right now, frankly, I honestly don’t really know …

Skat: Queen of Clubs & 8 of Spades * & 10 of Clubs

Irritations and frustration leading to a confrontation or disagreement. Someone causing disappointment and potentially stirring up an argument. Someone unhappy and disgruntled or a situation/matter that leaves me rather irritable as well as disappointed and upset.

ð Not looking forward to the Florida trip, mainly. I know my period’s going to kick in any day now, and I hate travelling to other’s people’s houses the first few days of my period. Nothing to do with them, just my mood goes down the drain on top of the aches etc. I’d just rather wait it out first, and then after a couple of days go somewhere. Otherwise, no argument I can think of. Just overall feeling irritable and frustrated but that’s mostly PMS related. The kittens are giving me a bad time with not catching on to using the litter box, which admittedly is causing me to get upset whenever I see one doing their business in a spot their not supposed to no matter how closely I’m trying to watch them. But try watching 3 kittens while doing other things around the house 24/7.

Tarot: Fortune * (Wheel of Fortune)

Reversal of fortune or stroke of bad luck might come my way today. Things not working out as hoped/planned. Feeling like I’m at the ‘bottom rung’ of things with little to no room or possibility to overcome the challenges. Feeling like getting the short end of the stick in a matter. Might feel like I’m stuck in something that just won’t improve.

ð Just feeling a bit blue for no actual reason. I know it’s PMS related for the most part, so, no biggie, really. Plus, I had a few things go awry over the course of the day, little things that just piled up when I was already feeling rather cranky anyway.

Daily Draw 10-23-2014

Daily Draw 10-23-2014

Small Lenormand: 4 House & 10 Scythe & 20 Park

A personal matter being made public, maybe not in the best fashion. Feeling ambivalent about an outing or social event. An unexpected social or official matter effecting myself or the home.

Great Lenormand: Ace of Hearts & 2 of Clubs & Jack of Clubs

Trying to make ends meet in a matter, and come to a satisfying conclusion might not be as easy nor possible. A personal matter that might drag on/out longer than I care for. Unexpected obstacles or issues arising.

Skat: Queen of Clubs & 8 of Spades * & 10 of Clubs

Irritations and frustration leading to a confrontation or disagreement. Someone causing disappointment and potentially stirring up an argument. Someone unhappy and disgruntled or a situation/matter that leaves me rather irritable as well as disappointed and upset.

Tarot: Fortune * (Wheel of Fortune)

Reversal of fortune or stroke of bad luck might come my way today. Things not working out as hoped/planned. Feeling like I’m at the ‘bottom rung’ of things with little to no room or possibility to overcome the challenges. Feeling like getting the short end of the stick in a matter. Might feel like I’m stuck in something that just won’t improve.


Daily Draw 10-22-2014

Small Lenormand: 4 House & 14 Fox & 17 Stork

Questionable private/domestic change(s). Changes in/around the home might require some more thought and planning. Being smart in a private matter is likely to bring the desired changes.

ð Hubby had bought a used couch and matching love seat from a local ‘buy, sell & trade’ he is part of on Facebook. Well, the price was decent, and on the picture it looked ok. They came and dropped it off and almost literally ran. He had gotten a message from them that they had been barely able to get it out of their house. We thought they might have forgotten to take the feet off. But, nope. That turned out to be the least of our problems as we couldn’t get the darn things through the door. Turned out, the backs of couch and love seat were wood, and not like most others I’ve seen the low back kind that has the back pillows come up. So, after a couple of tries at different angles, we determined that it would be impossible to get them in due to that fact. I half joking suggested that probably the only way to get them in was to cut part of the top of the back off. Well, hubby took out his saw and went to work. I was hoping and praying I didn’t just totally ruin both pieces of furniture … not just for our personal use, but if we had wanted to try to give them away or sell them to someone else. But, fortunately, after taking the top part of the back off, still with quite some efforts and irritation, we managed to get both inside the house. What a torture. Told hubby, no more furniture for a long time. And, next time, let’s first look at the stuff so we won’t run into this issue again. That was definitely, most certainly no fun.

Great Lenormand: Jack of Hearts & 5 of Hearts & 2 of Hearts

Successfully working with others brings about a feeling of peace and accomplishment. Getting something accomplished with the help of others. Finding quite time after social interactions.

ð After getting past the couch and love seat complications, things went well rest of the day. Hubby had been throwing a fit initially when we first couldn’t get them in, but after cutting the backs a bit down, and being able to get them inside the house, his mood brightened up again, luckily. Not that I could blame him. I was loathing the idea of having wasted money on something I can’t use and might not even be able to give or sell to someone else to try to recuperate some of the expenses.

Skat: Ace of Diamonds & Jack of Diamonds & Queen of Clubs

Piece of information or news that might proof beneficial or positive for one of my projects. Being careful not to trust everything I’m being told today.

ð By the way them two guys up and left in a hurry after dropping the couch and love seat off, me and hubby had a feel that something was up. They probably looked at the trailer/door and thought both ‘no way they’re getting those in there, let’s take the money and run before they want us to take them back with us’. Not sure if that’s the case, of course, but can’t shake the feel that’s pretty much what went on. At first I was relieved to see a younger guy thinking/hoping he’d offer to help carry them in … yeah, right. I know hubby would’ve offered to help if it had been us. Anyway, while we both were initially upset about a potential waste of money, we managed to get it done. Still, that was way closer a call than I care for. We put some blankets over the tops of the couch/love seat so you can’t the exposed wood and upholstery. Not perfect, but, heck, better than throwing them both on the burn pile.

Tarot: 5 of Skulls (5 of Pentacles)

Feeling drained and ‘empoverished’ in a way. Feeling like something’s missing or draining me. Might not feel the greatest physically, rather tired and exhausted.

ð Felt rather achy all over yesterday. My PMS is really seriously kicking my butt this go around. Been for almost going on a week now, waking up aching and hurting, and having aches all throughout the day plus feeling exhausted and irritable. Then, to top it off, the situation with the couch/love seat yesterday hubby bought off some guys off the local Facebook ‘buy, sell & trade’ that wouldn’t fit through the door … no fun. I was very unhappy thinking we had just wasted good money we could’ve spend on something else when we could not get the two pieces of furniture to go through the darn door. And I’m ever so relieved that my idea of cutting off the top of the backs did work out in the end. Was afraid all my idea would do is screw them up so we couldn’t even give them away to someone else if we had wanted to. But, after some initial issues and extra work, we were able to get them both inside the house. Can’t describe how much of a relief that was … especially since hubby had a severe drop in mood after running into the problem of ‘no-fit’. He was throwing a fit for a moment. Which I could relate to as I hate wasting money myself and the idea of having just done that was not very pleasant at all. Yet, it worked out ok in the end. Just, wasn’t fun getting there.