Tag Archives: Knight of Cups

Daily Draw 01-01-2015

Daily Draw 01-01-2015

Small Lenormand

18 Dog – friend, friendship, loyalty, guard/attention

A friend or friendship might play a role today. Showing or being loyal to something or someone. On the other side, might be a good idea to pay attention and focus.

Great Lenormand

King of Diamonds – home, romance, caring, good, trustworthy & honest person (man)

A man that is showing his affection or that might be important to me today. Matter of/around the house/home, domestic matters that should and might need to be addressed.


Ace of Hearts * – outside of the home, external matters/influences, neighborhood, building/house

Something outside of the actual home – wonder if this might be the yard, or all together off the property, somewhere in the neighborhood or downtown. Hubby said he wanted to go make another run to the store … though I have my doubts much if anything is open today.


28 Expectation – longing, waiting, expectation, hopes

Either me or hubby might be anticipating something, or hoping for something. An air of expectation and longing for something. I know today hubby’s college football team is playing in the play-offs, and it will determine whether his team goes to the National Championship or not. So, while he claims that it’s not all that important him any more as it used to me, I do think he’s still hyped up for it.


Love – love, romance, affection

And overall air or mood of caring and love. Showing that I care for something or something. Something, or someone, dear to me that might need more attention.


6 of Skulls (6 of Pentacles)

Fair give and take, sharing and not being stingy about helping someone out if they need help. Also, not being afraid to ask for help should I require any. Having plenty to go around and even spread the ‘wealth’ – whether that be necessarily financially/monetary, or by way of moral/physical support/aid.


Daily Draw 12-31-2014

Small Lenormand

34 Fish – money, finances, subconscious, liquid/alcohol, flow

Remaining smart with the money. Going with the flow of events.

ð Hubby got restless, was talking about going out after all. Then he reconsidered. Frustrating at times.

Great Lenormand

5 of Diamonds – acting before thinking, hast, inconsideration, pending disaster, stubbornness

Time to not be stubborn or act reckless as it might have some unpleasant consequences. Listening to advice and instructions so things won’t get out of hand but go smooth.

ð It’s difficult for me at times to figure out when I’m being a ‘klutz’ and too timid about doing something, or when it’s warranted caution. I felt somewhat like I was holding hubby back last night being too worried about me driving at night on New Years when I had just started driving not even a week ago and hadn’t been actually driving but roughly 3 times, on county roads mostly. Driving at night in a big city still freaks me out a bit. On the flip side, however, I could tell that he wouldn’t have mind going somewhere and ‘party’. I know he’s more outgoing and more of a ‘party animal’ than I am, and at times I feel like I’m asking too much of a sacrifice when I’m not sure I want to go out. Don’t want to go and get into another argument like we did a couple of years ago.


7 of Diamonds – unrest, stress, excitement

Might feel a bit stressed and/or frustrated about something. Trying to stay calm and centered could help and not getting wrapped up in a moment or issue.

ð Hubby and his attitude. He first said “no, not a good idea” about going out after all since I hadn’t been driving a lot and didn’t feel comfy yet doing it – especially not at night in a bigger city. But, I could tell a part of him wanted to. Felt so frustrated as I don’t want to make him feel he can’t have fun and let off some steam due to my timidity or hesitation. I so wish he could finally find him a good, decent friend that he could do that with. Not to shove him off to another person, but I think it would do him good to go out and have a ‘guy’s night’ out once every so often.


14 Sad news – messages, news, usually not always the best nor most pleasant

Hearing about something unpleasant or having to break unpleasant news to someone else. Something that might dampen the spirits a bit.

ð Sad news as such, no. Felt down, though, as I got the impression I was putting a damper on hubby’s good mood and fun time bringing in the new year by being reluctant to go and drive that night. Plus, he made a comment or two that hit home with me, and rather depressed me.


Widower – loneliness, separation, withdrawal

Feeling of being isolated and/or being left out of something. A mood of withdrawal and not feeling too social today.

ð I felt ok most of the day until hubby decided to go and start fireworks. He made some comments and remarks that depressed me, and I was worried we’d be headed for yet another fight. Tried to put on a brave face and not let him know that his comments hurt me, but, there are just some things that make me feel very insecure and like I’m hindering him from being as happy as he could, and should, be. I wonder at times if he’d not be happier without me.


Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Feeling a bit emotional and getting swamped up in emotions if I’m not careful. Feeling inspired and motivated to pursue a dream or vision. Might feel excited and enthusiastic about something. Being creative and following my intuition.

ð This card seems to frequently show up when I’m having a mood swing, or my emotions are somewhat unsteady and all over the place. Over-emotional might fit the bill. In any event, things were good, then went down the dumps for me for a bit, brightened somewhat again. Overall, however, I don’t know. This New Year’s Eve was not the most ‘fun’ or ‘happy’ I’ve ever had. Went into it with mixed feelings, and I just hope I can live up to the expectations hubby’s got for me, apparently.

Daily Draw 12-31-2014

Daily Draw 12-31-2014

Small Lenormand

34 Fish – money, finances, subconscious, liquid/alcohol, flow

Remaining smart with the money. Going with the flow of events.

Great Lenormand

5 of Diamonds – acting before thinking, hast, inconsideration, pending disaster, stubbornness

Time to not be stubborn or act reckless as it might have some unpleasant consequences. Listening to advice and instructions so things won’t get out of hand but go smooth.


7 of Diamonds – unrest, stress, excitement

Might feel a bit stressed and/or frustrated about something. Trying to stay calm and centered could help and not getting wrapped up in a moment or issue.


14 Sad news – messages, news, usually not always the best nor most pleasant

Hearing about something unpleasant or having to break unpleasant news to someone else. Something that might dampen the spirits a bit.


Widower – loneliness, separation, withdrawal

Feeling of being isolated and/or being left out of something. A mood of withdrawal and not feeling too social today.


Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Feeling a bit emotional and getting swamped up in emotions if I’m not careful. Feeling inspired and motivated to pursue a dream or vision. Might feel excited and enthusiastic about something. Being creative and following my intuition.


Daily Draw 12-30-2014

Small Lenormand

34 Fish – money, finances, subconscious, flowing, liquid/alcohol

For one, making sound financial decisions, being careful with how I/we spend money today. Also, overall might be a good idea to do a budget check. Besides that, I might just need to go with the flow of the day, and relax.

ð Initially, we wanted to go watch the upcoming college football play-offs at a place downtown, but since I haven’t been driving a lot yet, and the game being in the evening/night time, we decided it probably isn’t the best idea and to not only bring in the New Year but also watch the game at home. Plus, so hubby reasoned, instead of blowing that money in a bar drinking and eating, go and invest it.

Great Lenormand

6 of Diamonds – deception, corruption, hypocrisy, enemy, adversity.

Someone or something detrimental that I might not be able to ‘see’ initially. Someone or something playing tricks on me in some ways, trying to fool or deceive me. Or I might be the one not being entirely straight in a matter. Being cautious that not everything is quite what it might seem to be at first sight today.

ð Not sure, ran into a situation when I came home in a guild where a member apparently misbehaved. Otherwise, I hope that one of the current candidates for the other factions guild is not going to wind up the new guild master. I just don’t get a warm fuzzy feel from the guy as being in charge of a guild. It’s the same person I ran into some minor issues with. As nice and fun as they are, frankly, I’m not sure they’re suited for it.


7 of Hearts * – secret, hidden, flirt, affair

I might be keeping something from someone today or feel someone’s not telling me the whole story. Either way, I might get the impression I’m lacking insight/information.

ð We were a bit unsure how to bring in New Years. Been wanting to go to a local light show on New Years Eve day, but weather got too cold and funky so we nixed that idea. Otherwise, not sure what this might refer to other than the guild situation with the guild member as well as the vote on guild master.


31 Short illness – something wrong, illness, disease, exhaustion

A feeling of exhaustion and that something is just not quite right – either with myself, someone else or a situation. Trying to figure out how to remedy/cure/improve a situation that isn’t working well or detrimental.

ð Didn’t sleep best, got woke up too early by the cats yesterday and felt somewhat groggy and tired all day. Hubby had a minor incident that fortunately passed quickly. Gave me a scare for a second.


Enemy – an enemy, adversity, obstacle, negativity

I might have to face at least one obstacle or issue today that might be rather unpleasant. Being careful not to succumb to negativity and keep a positive attitude. Might have to make sure that I’m not becoming the ‘problem’ in a situation. But also beware that there might be something or someone that’s working against me.

ð Again, not sure. I’m trying to keep a positive attitude and have confidence in myself now that I’m actually driving, but at times, I feel stressed out. Hubby says it’s normal and will pass with time and experience. I hope. Right now I feel more like a nervous wreck than anything else. Alas, we haven’t crashed yet, so I take that as a good sign.


7 of Grails * (7 of Cups) – disappointment, disillusion, dashed hopes

Not everything is likely to work out as I hope for today. There might be some minor disappointments and/or let downs ahead. I might need to re-adjust my ideas and/or goals in a matter, make sure it’s realistic, and try to focus on one or two matters at a time instead of too many at once.

ð Was hoping we’d be able to catch the one light show before the event ends, but, weather done got too cold and funky and we decided to wait till next year to do it. Didn’t really want to, but somehow our little trip to the vet to drop the two tomcats off to get fixed turned into an almost all-day event going to town. Was fun, yes, but not quite how I had my day planned out initially when I got up.

Daily Draw 10-15-2014

Daily Draw 10-15-2014

Small Lenormand: 25 Ring & 22 Roads & 11 Rods

Questionable or negative decisions made in regards to a relationship or agreement. Careful about entering any new agreements or responsibilities as they are not likely to be in my favor but only cause problems and friction.

Great Lenormand: 4 of Diamonds & 3 of Diamonds & 9 of Clubs

Seeking and receiving aid in regards to a situation where I could use some help in order to overcome an obstacle. Successfully overcoming a problem by means of compromise and being cautious/using my wits.

Skat: 8 of Spades * & King of Diamonds & 8 of Hearts *

Someone who either is disappointed about something, or someone who disappoints me in terms of making me feel rather insignificant as if they don’t care. Feeling distant and sad.

Tarot: Lord of Knives * (King of Swords)

Harsh judgment and/or cruelty. Being too forceful or aggressive in what I say or in a decision I might make. Rushing into something without thinking matters through well first. Having a caustic and nasty attitude and way of dealing with things today. Having to be cautious not to let my bad mood/temper affect others around me.


Daily Draw 10-14-2014

Small Lenormand: 1 Rider & 26 Book & 10 Scythe

Sudden or unexpected piece of news/insight/information. Double-edged knowledge or insight on the way. Making an effort to get to the root of something.

ð Well, when I got up and found the TV I have been playing on destroyed by our darling cats, I thought we still had one left in the closet I could use. Turns out, that one’s tore up as well … someone dropped a heavy tool box on top of it. Great. Had to go to a local thrift store and found a decent TV for a decent price. Still, two TV’s tore up did not make for a good mood on my end.

Great Lenormand: 7 of Spades & 10 of Diamonds & Jack of Clubs

Plans and discussions lead to nowhere soon. Things might be a bit hectic and stressful, leaving the feel that in a matter things are just not coming along as I’d like them to. Feeling of being the ‘last’ to know about something or someone, or simply not being able to pull off what I set out to do.

ð Somewhat in regards to the TV situation. While I’m grateful hubby bought me this replacement TV, it’s not really all that great for playing these games. Most of those are geared towards HD TV’s, and I can barely read any of the menus or help texts popping up. So far, that’s a small hindrance, but it’s still annoying and a constant reminder of how irritated I am that both TV’s got messed up.

Skat: 9 of Clubs * & 10 of Hearts & 7 of Clubs *

Emotional hang-ups might lead to frustration and tears. Being emotionally upset about something. Something that puts a damper on my mood or something that takes a toll on me.

ð Likely the TV situation. I utterly hate having something getting damaged and then being forced to go and replace it. Not only the loss of money for the object/item that got damaged/tore up, but also then the additional cost of replacing it.

Tarot: Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Emotional upset or unrest, feeling rather low or depressed about something. Emotionally unstable or drained feeling. Something or someone that makes me feel blue or drained.

ð Apart from the TV, I felt rather down from the start even when I first got up before I knew the TV’s were messed up. Think my beloved PMS is rearing it’s ugly head, causing me to have mood swings already.

Daily Draw 10-14-2014

Daily Draw 10-14-2014

Small Lenormand: 1 Rider & 26 Book & 10 Scythe

Sudden or unexpected piece of news/insight/information. Double-edged knowledge or insight on the way. Making an effort to get to the root of something.

Great Lenormand: 7 of Spades & 10 of Diamonds & Jack of Clubs

Plans and discussions lead to nowhere soon. Things might be a bit hectic and stressful, leaving the feel that in a matter things are just not coming along as I’d like them to. Feeling of being the ‘last’ to know about something or someone, or simply not being able to pull off what I set out to do.

Skat: 9 of Clubs * & 10 of Hearts & 7 of Clubs *

Emotional hang-ups might lead to frustration and tears. Being emotionally upset about something. Something that puts a damper on my mood or something that takes a toll on me.

Tarot: Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Emotional upset or unrest, feeling rather low or depressed about something. Emotionally unstable or drained feeling. Something or someone that makes me feel blue or drained.


Daily Draw 10-13-2014

Small Lenormand: 14 Fox & 23 Mice & 28 Gentleman

Loss due to falsity or sneakiness. False/wrong cut back for/from hubby. Hubby might be making a wrong decision in something that he considers ‘garbage’, trying to be smart about what to cut out or how to handle a loss/cut back.

ð Hubby wasn’t happy with me cancelling my order. Then, I woke up to find that our awesome cats tore up my TV I use to play my console games on. Great start into the day.

Great Lenormand: Ace of Diamonds & 9 of Spades & 8 of Diamonds

News or information regarding a community or group. News or information about a service being rendered or performed – by me or for me.

ð They’re fixing to bring out a rather late ‘patch’ for one of my online games out so I know I’ll have to wait till come night to download it.

Skat: King of Clubs & King of Hearts & Queen of Spades

Ignorance and stubbornness might cause problems. Ungratefulness and/or mean spirited people causing problems – or hubby is upset about something or someone that is acting mean or out of line.

ð Well, for one he didn’t agree with me wanting to send back the one game we just ordered so I could get a refund and he wasn’t too happy I cancelled my one order. Then, to top it off, coming home to find one of our TV’s destroyed didn’t help either.

Tarot: Lord of Grails (King of Cups)

Following/pursuing a desire or goal, optimism and enthusiasm, exploring something with vigor and motivation; inspiration, good news. Court cards still puzzle me more than anything else. Either, this is someone who might play a role for me today, someone that is motivated, inspired and following his/her dreams and desires, being passionate about something – or it might be me that might/should pursue my dreams and goals with more zest and enthusiasm, rekindling a spark in a project or matter. Or simply daring to follow through with what I deem is the right choice.

ð I felt I did the right thing about cancelling the one order to add more to the budget. Hubby didn’t agree. Not that I wouldn’t want it, but, I don’t know, trying to be smart and not selfish.

Daily Draw 10-12-2014

Daily Draw 10-12-2014

Small Lenormand: 11 Rods & 32 Moon & 4 House

Emotional tensions and/or mood swings might be possible today. Need to do some cleaning around the house tonight. Getting something off my chest in a personal matter might help (clear the air).

Great Lenormand: 7 of Spades & Jack of Clubs & 10 of Diamonds

Planning and organizing something I’ve been working on or wanting to get started on for a little while. Getting more organized in a specific matter might help improve it’s progress overall – or just get better organized. Discussing plans and projects I’ve been thinking about lately.

Skat: Ace of Diamonds & King of Diamonds & Ace of Clubs *

News or piece of information that might shock me or give me a pause. Startling news from or about another person. A shocking insight or knowledge that might leave me feeling a bit puzzled.

Tarot: Prince of Knives (Knight of Swords)

Need to cut through some stuff to get to the heart of a matter. Using my common sense and good judgment in a matter to figure out what to do. Need to be cautious not to get too hasty or rush into something without thinking it through.


Daily Draw 10-11-2014

Small Lenormand: 30 Lily & 1 Rider & 14 Fox

News from a relative that I might find somewhat questionable or maybe a tad exaggerated. Information that I should take with a grain of salt.

ð No talks with a relative. But, I did talk to a buddy of mine, and, well, it’s not necessarily what I wanted to hear. Hate when other people I like are going through a rough time and nothing for me to do about it.

Great Lenormand: 6 of Clubs & 5 of Clubs & 6 of Diamonds

Might want to be careful of help extended or offered to me today as it’s not without it’s hook or potential downside. Not everything is going to go smoothly, I might be running into a snag or two today if I’m not very careful. Potentially trusting in the wrong people or wrong thing.

ð My beloved Internet was on the fritz again yesterday. Took me several attempts to get to play either of my online games. Kept disconnecting me randomly without any reason, weather was OK so no clue what was going on. Certainly irritating, though.

Skat: 10 of Spades & 10 of Diamonds & Jack of Clubs

A financially long-term subject or matter might need to be re-evaluated. There might be problems or kinks that I (or we) hadn’t thought about so far. Otherwise, I might feel insecure and a bit rattled in a certain matter that I thought so far was pretty ‘safe’ and stable.

ð Only thing coming to mind is hearing from my friend and the news wasn’t all too good. Had hoped his situation would’ve improved by now, but, not looking that way.

Tarot: Prince of Grails * (Knight of Cups)

Emotionally upset or unsteady, might have a bout of moodiness and irritation coming up today that I should beware of not to take out on others. Feeling restless and unable to settle on anything for a longer period of time. Maybe feeling dissatisfied with something or someone.

ð I admit, I was bouncing around yesterday quite a bit in one of my games. It’s like I can’t figure out which realm I want to be on. The one realm I keep going back to and thinking of going back on, well, it still has some memories attached I’m not sure I want to revisit … then again, does it matter? I can’t decide. Part of me says “to heck with the past, it wasn’t that bad so stop making a mountain out of a molehill”, the other part says “still, are you sure ..?”. Hate those days. Hadn’t been able to find another realm I feel ‘happy’ with so far … and I’ve been on a few yesterday testing the waters.

Daily Draw 10-11-2014

Daily Draw 10-11-2014

Small Lenormand: 30 Lily & 1 Rider & 14 Fox

News from a relative that I might find somewhat questionable or maybe a tad exaggerated. Information that I should take with a grain of salt.

Great Lenormand: 6 of Clubs & 5 of Clubs & 6 of Diamonds

Might want to be careful of help extended or offered to me today as it’s not without it’s hook or potential downside. Not everything is going to go smoothly, I might be running into a snag or two today if I’m not very careful. Potentially trusting in the wrong people or wrong thing.

Skat: 10 of Spades & 10 of Diamonds & Jack of Clubs

A financially long-term subject or matter might need to be re-evaluated. There might be problems or kinks that I (or we) hadn’t thought about so far. Otherwise, I might feel insecure and a bit rattled in a certain matter that I thought so far was pretty ‘safe’ and stable.

Tarot: Prince of Grails * (Knight of Cups)

Emotionally upset or unsteady, might have a bout of moodiness and irritation coming up today that I should beware of not to take out on others. Feeling restless and unable to settle on anything for a longer period of time. Maybe feeling dissatisfied with something or someone.


Daily Draw 10-10-2014

Lenormand: 29 Lady & 2 Clover & 10 Scythe

Sudden moments of happiness and maybe even an unexpected chance or opportunity coming my way today. Seizing an opportunity if/while I have the chance.

ð I spontaneously decided to go play one of my online games yesterday, and was surprised by the warm reception I received by one of my guild mates. I was worried that, since I hadn’t been playing a lot lately, they might be dismayed with me. So, that was certainly a pleasant surprise.

Great Lenormand: 5 of Diamonds & 3 of Hearts & 9 of Clubs

Caution in a certain project might proof to be helpful, especially in regards to finances. Being smart with our money, and making good decisions with our finances.

ð Had to pay bills yesterday and trying to figure out how much to pay on some of them to pay them. Struggled whether to get me that one online item or not, but then went for it. Still, I’m feeling somewhat anxious regardless of knowing we do have the extra money. Not sure I’ll ever overcome that feel ever again in this life.

Skat: 9 of Hearts & 7 of Diamonds * & Queen of Hearts

Emotional unrest and/or frustrations; feeling emotional uneasy or restless, something that disconcerns or worries me.

ð Not worried. But felt overtired which made me feel rather restless and unable to really focus on or settle for anything for a longer period of time. Was more jumping from one thing to the next. Plus, had Internet problems due to the weather, which didn’t help.

Tarot: Prince of Scepters (Knight of Wands)

Need or feeling like rushing into something, taking charge of a project or situation. Might have to be cautious not to rush into something too quickly, though. Feeling motivated and energetic.

ð I had the sudden notion to play my online games yesterday. After not having played them much lately, I had the urge to go and do it.

Daily Draw 08-05-2014

Daily Draw 09-05-2014

Lenormand: 24 Heart & 14 Fox & 2 Clover

Love, kindness, compassion. Cunning, sly, deceit, lie. Luck, fortune, chance, opportunity, short-lived. Feelings that need sorting out. Questioning an emotional connection/tie to see if I’m fooling myself or if it’s real. Taking a chance with something or someone may pay off.

Great Lenormand: 9 of Clubs & 5 of Hearts & 10 of Clubs

Paying attention to detail, minor nuisance, distraction, focusing on what’s important. Audience, exchange, diplomacy. Caution, distrust, awareness. Might encounter an issue that is rather annoying dealing with others today that warrants caution as to so it won’t become a larger problem. Minor nuisances dealing with others leads to a somewhat guarded attitude. Feeling rather distrustful and frustrated with/about others and dealing with others. Paying attention to the details is important.

Skat: 9 of Hearts & Ace of Diamonds & 7 of Hearts

Romance, love, wish (fulfillment), longing, desire. News, information, document, idea. Flirt, friendship, kindness. Waiting for news might end. I might receive very pleasant and happy news. Wish for information/news is likely to come to pass.

Tarot: Lord of Scepters (King of Wands)

Passionate, determined, willful, powerful, energetic, ambitious, driven, motivation, go-getter, make-it-happen type of person/attitude. Either, I might be dealing with someone who possess these traits and/or attitude, if only for today or I might (need to) act like that myself. Getting something done and tackled, become focused and determined in my tasks, and act, rather than wait and think. As a situation, potentially lots of things going on/happening today, a lot to do.


Daily Draw 09-04-2014

Lenormand: 16 Stars & 36 Cross & 23 Mice

Hopes, inspiration, aspiration, illusion, clarity. Burden, challenge, test, endings, suffering, belief/faith. Trash, negativity, diminishing, recess. Dashed hoped about a situation that is unrealistic. Realizing that a situation (or person) is just not what I believed them to be. Accepting that something I hoped for is not likely to come to pass/happen.

ð Hoped my buddy would show up. Nothing. Getting a tad frustrated, to be honest. And, my bad feel is starting to grow that he might not be online for too much longer or only sporadically. I pray hope I’m wrong. Felt rather gloomy all day, on top of that, as well. Not sure why. Think this night shift is getting to me. Glad it’s almost always. I always get my sleep so messed up when hubby is on night shift.

Great Lenormand: 10 of Hearts & 5 of Clubs & Ace of Hearts

Process, development, arts, creativity. Support, aid, meddling, interference. Group, family, community, leadership. Trying to find original ways dealing with other people’s need. Trying to find ways in order to help someone else or a group of people. Exploring new/different approaches to supporting someone.

ð Started talking to someone yesterday, and he spontaneously offered to make me a nice set of gear. That took me by surprise, excited about it. I usually don’t like asking for help, but, why not.

Skat: 10 of Spades & 8 of Diamonds & 8 of Clubs

Long(er) trip/journey/distance/duration, abroad/foreign. Talk, event, positive change, finances. Weakness, illness, burden, challenge. Long-term financial goals might pose an issue or need to be reconsidered. Conversations with someone from further away that bring me down somewhat. Difficult or negative conversations with someone.

ð For one, don’t feel so hot. Sleep is all messed up with this night shift again. Been feeling horrible and overtired, walking around more like a zombie than anything else yesterday. Other thing is me feeling gloomy and worried about my buddy. Hope he’s ok, and I do miss talking to him. When we started talking again more a few days ago, I was really happy and glad, missed that. Then him telling me of his troubles dampened the spirits again.

Tarot: Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Romance, flirt, charm, passion; unhappy with current situation, looking for ‘more’, caught up in fantasies; kindness, desire. I might feel that something, or someone, is missing from my life, feeling a longing I might not be able to quite put into words and/or that I know that it is unrealistic. Getting caught up in the moment about something or something. Need to be kind(er) and (more) compassionate with myself and others. A flight of fancy in some ways.

ð I couldn’t quite settle for nothing today. I played one game, and initially could not really get into it but kept playing hoping the ‘excitement’ would kick in once I played it for a bit and woke up. Well, I started to enjoy it a bit more after a bit till a storm disconnected me. Played the other game for a bit after that, miss my buddy who didn’t come online yesterday again either. Just overall feeling like I’m a tad all over the map, so to speak, and unable to really feel comfy and content at the moment. Not quite bored, but restlessness. I know those moods, they show up often when I’m hopelessly overtired for several days in a row.

Daily Draw 08-05-2014

Daily Draw 09-05-2014

Lenormand: 24 Heart & 14 Fox & 2 Clover

Love, kindness, compassion. Cunning, sly, deceit, lie. Luck, fortune, chance, opportunity, short-lived. Feelings that need sorting out. Questioning an emotional connection/tie to see if I’m fooling myself or if it’s real. Taking a chance with something or someone may pay off.

Great Lenormand: 9 of Clubs & 5 of Hearts & 10 of Clubs

Paying attention to detail, minor nuisance, distraction, focusing on what’s important. Audience, exchange, diplomacy. Caution, distrust, awareness. Might encounter an issue that is rather annoying dealing with others today that warrants caution as to so it won’t become a larger problem. Minor nuisances dealing with others leads to a somewhat guarded attitude. Feeling rather distrustful and frustrated with/about others and dealing with others. Paying attention to the details is important.

Skat: 9 of Hearts & Ace of Diamonds & 7 of Hearts

Romance, love, wish (fulfillment), longing, desire. News, information, document, idea. Flirt, friendship, kindness. Waiting for news might end. I might receive very pleasant and happy news. Wish for information/news is likely to come to pass.

Tarot: Lord of Scepters (King of Wands)

Passionate, determined, willful, powerful, energetic, ambitious, driven, motivation, go-getter, make-it-happen type of person/attitude. Either, I might be dealing with someone who possess these traits and/or attitude, if only for today or I might (need to) act like that myself. Getting something done and tackled, become focused and determined in my tasks, and act, rather than wait and think. As a situation, potentially lots of things going on/happening today, a lot to do.


Daily Draw 09-04-2014

Lenormand: 16 Stars & 36 Cross & 23 Mice

Hopes, inspiration, aspiration, illusion, clarity. Burden, challenge, test, endings, suffering, belief/faith. Trash, negativity, diminishing, recess. Dashed hoped about a situation that is unrealistic. Realizing that a situation (or person) is just not what I believed them to be. Accepting that something I hoped for is not likely to come to pass/happen.

ð Hoped my buddy would show up. Nothing. Getting a tad frustrated, to be honest. And, my bad feel is starting to grow that he might not be online for too much longer or only sporadically. I pray hope I’m wrong. Felt rather gloomy all day, on top of that, as well. Not sure why. Think this night shift is getting to me. Glad it’s almost always. I always get my sleep so messed up when hubby is on night shift.

Great Lenormand: 10 of Hearts & 5 of Clubs & Ace of Hearts

Process, development, arts, creativity. Support, aid, meddling, interference. Group, family, community, leadership. Trying to find original ways dealing with other people’s need. Trying to find ways in order to help someone else or a group of people. Exploring new/different approaches to supporting someone.

ð Started talking to someone yesterday, and he spontaneously offered to make me a nice set of gear. That took me by surprise, excited about it. I usually don’t like asking for help, but, why not.

Skat: 10 of Spades & 8 of Diamonds & 8 of Clubs

Long(er) trip/journey/distance/duration, abroad/foreign. Talk, event, positive change, finances. Weakness, illness, burden, challenge. Long-term financial goals might pose an issue or need to be reconsidered. Conversations with someone from further away that bring me down somewhat. Difficult or negative conversations with someone.

ð For one, don’t feel so hot. Sleep is all messed up with this night shift again. Been feeling horrible and overtired, walking around more like a zombie than anything else yesterday. Other thing is me feeling gloomy and worried about my buddy. Hope he’s ok, and I do miss talking to him. When we started talking again more a few days ago, I was really happy and glad, missed that. Then him telling me of his troubles dampened the spirits again.

Tarot: Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Romance, flirt, charm, passion; unhappy with current situation, looking for ‘more’, caught up in fantasies; kindness, desire. I might feel that something, or someone, is missing from my life, feeling a longing I might not be able to quite put into words and/or that I know that it is unrealistic. Getting caught up in the moment about something or something. Need to be kind(er) and (more) compassionate with myself and others. A flight of fancy in some ways.

ð I couldn’t quite settle for nothing today. I played one game, and initially could not really get into it but kept playing hoping the ‘excitement’ would kick in once I played it for a bit and woke up. Well, I started to enjoy it a bit more after a bit till a storm disconnected me. Played the other game for a bit after that, miss my buddy who didn’t come online yesterday again either. Just overall feeling like I’m a tad all over the map, so to speak, and unable to really feel comfy and content at the moment. Not quite bored, but restlessness. I know those moods, they show up often when I’m hopelessly overtired for several days in a row.

Daily Draw 09-04-2014

Daily Draw 09-04-2014

Lenormand: 16 Stars & 36 Cross & 23 Mice

Hopes, inspiration, aspiration, illusion, clarity. Burden, challenge, test, endings, suffering, belief/faith. Trash, negativity, diminishing, recess. Dashed hoped about a situation that is unrealistic. Realizing that a situation (or person) is just not what I believed them to be. Accepting that something I hoped for is not likely to come to pass/happen.

Great Lenormand: 10 of Hearts & 5 of Clubs & Ace of Hearts

Process, development, arts, creativity. Support, aid, meddling, interference. Group, family, community, leadership. Trying to find original ways dealing with other people’s need. Trying to find ways in order to help someone else or a group of people. Exploring new/different approaches to supporting someone.

Skat: 10 of Spades & 8 of Diamonds & 8 of Clubs

Long(er) trip/journey/distance/duration, abroad/foreign. Talk, event, positive change, finances. Weakness, illness, burden, challenge. Long-term financial goals might pose an issue or need to be reconsidered. Conversations with someone from further away that bring me down somewhat. Difficult or negative conversations with someone.

Tarot: Prince of Grails (Knight of Cups)

Romance, flirt, charm, passion; unhappy with current situation, looking for ‘more’, caught up in fantasies; kindness, desire. I might feel that something, or someone, is missing from my life, feeling a longing I might not be able to quite put into words and/or that I know that it is unrealistic. Getting caught up in the moment about something or something. Need to be kind(er) and (more) compassionate with myself and others. A flight of fancy in some ways.


Daily Draw 09-03-2014

Lenormand: 19 Tower & 13 Child & 2 Clover

Isolation, withdrawal, border, boundary, vantage point/perspective; institution. Child, youth, innocence, naivety, playfulness, immaturity. Luck, happiness, chance, opportunity, short-lived. A positive and fortunate connection with someone from further away. New insights bringing new ideas and motivation.

ð No news or insights. I was waiting for one of my buddies, well, scratch that, actually two, to come online but neither showed. Which was ok, but I hoped to run into at least one of them. Otherwise, had fun and actually a bit more fun than I thought with the pvp aspect yesterday.

Great Lenormand: 6 of Hearts & 9 of Hearts & 4 of Hearts

Success, accomplishment, union, marriage, relationship. Honors, fame, success, acknowledgment, recognition, reward. Indecision, playing both sides of the fence, torn loyalties/interests, fickleness. Uncertainty in/regarding a relationship or project that appears successful initially. Being unsure about the ‘success’ rate of something. Good start, but then fizzling out during the course of the action. Being unsure how to progress/where to go from ‘here’.

ð I feel torn between playing both my games. Lately, I seem to play one for days in a row, than go back to the other and play that one for a several days at a time. I actually had planned on playing one on one day, then the other on the next and so and forth. But, I keep getting caught up in a ‘mood’ of sorts once I play one of them, and then I don’t want to switch to the other one but stay with the one I am playing for a bit. Makes me feel bad as I have friends in both, and whichever I’m not playing for a few days, I feel like I’m neglecting that friend.

Skat: King of Spades & 10 of Clubs & 7 of Spades

Older man, grandfather, man of standing, police, judge; judgment, harshness, power. Conflict, argument, disagreement, frustration. Small/minor issue/sorrow, irritation. Argument or disagreement with a man will bring sadness and frustration. Making a choice might be accompanied with a lot of resistance and conflict, and lead to nowhere satisfying.

ð Think mostly sad I didn’t run into my buddy yesterday. Not just I have a couple of questions for him about one aspect of the game he knows more about than I do, but also about something organizational.

Tarot: Judgment

Revival, renewal, call/calling, awakening, motivation, inspiration. Well, might feel renewed interest or motivation in a matter or having to dig to find something to keep me going today. The vamp on the picture looks kind of defensive, making me wonder if I might have to stand up and fight for my ‘beliefs’ in a certain matter.

ð Think I’ve been neglecting something lately I’ve been wanting to do: investigate and learn something new about different things. How some things work, in nature, electronic/technology etc. Keep forgetting to make a list or something so I can start reading up on it. Feel like educating myself a little bit more than what I currently am.

Daily Draw 08-19-2014

Daily Draw 08-19-2014

Lenormand: 32 Moon & 11 Rods

Success, honor, acknowledgement, recognition; night, dreams, mood(iness). Communication, talks, conflict, trouble, cleaning, dancing. Vivid communication, deep conversations/talks. Deeper need/desire to clean out/up something. Acknowledging the need that action might be required in a situation.

Great Lenormand: Ace of Hearts & 2 of Hearts

Family, group, community. Peace, quiet, silence. A peaceful group of people. Finding peace in/with a group of people. Or, creating peace within a group or with a group of people. Or, distancing myself for a time from groups to find some (inner) peace. Time to reflect on beliefs, a time to go within, get to my roots.

Skat: 9 of Hearts * & 9 of Spades *

Disinterest, disconnect (feelings), apathy, lethargy. Taking a risk, courage. Might be a time to go and overcome a certain feel of disconnect with someone or something. Trying to overcome a feeling of apathy. Getting more active, becoming more involved in/with something/someone.

Tarot: 9 of Skulls (9 of Pentacles)

Comfort, achievements, accomplishment, gain, luxury, convenience. A time to relax, and enjoy what I/we have. Feeling comfy and happy with my accomplishments. Being satisfied and content – not in a way of resting on my laurels or being a snob about it, but just simply acknowledging the good things me and hubby have.


Daily Draw 08-18-2014

Lenormand: 12 Birds & 27 Letter

Unrest, minor burden/task/inconvenience, stress, talks, gossip. News, document, information, communication, superficiality. Might encounter some minor issues that won’t last very long, though. Brief/minor upset about some news or information.

ð We went to go get my eye glasses done yesterday. I so didn’t want to do it. Too much money, too much time. I’m just happy we do have insurance that covered a good part of it, but still, that hurt. Plus, it took way too long to get the glasses finished. Pretty much took us all day to get everything done and be able to go back home. And, I had an appointment for the time they opened, but we were well into the afternoon before the actual glasses were done with. Grief, talking about being frustrated having to wait that long.

Great Lenormand: 4 of Diamonds & 7 of Diamonds

Help, support, aid. Chaos, disaster, ruin. Being cautious with help given or granted as it might lead to a lot of problems. Not everyone might be as amicable and supportive as they claim to be – rather the opposite. Good intentions leading a whole lot of issues.

ð For once, I think them taking this long to get the glasses done after I had my exam (which didn’t take long at all). We were a bit unsure what to do in the meantime so we cruised around, somewhat aimlessly. Hubby hadn’t slept well, so his mood wasn’t the best either. Then, I couldn’t have claimed I was feeling much better rested myself, but tried to hang in there. The other thing was, waking up, I checked on kitten’s eye, which had been watering a bit the other day and found him having a bit of a blood trickling from the center of his eye down his check. Great, back to the vet. Called the vet while we were in town waiting on the glasses, and, sure enough, bring him in.

Skat: 8 of Spades * & 10 of Spades

Disappointment, let-down, frustration, sadness. Journey, abroad, foreign, long distance, longer period of time. A disappointment regarding a trip or brought on due to a trip. A trip that leads to frustration and disappointment. Sadness that will last a while or has already lasted a while.

ð Think it was them taking so long to get glasses done, and then the kitten’s eye being messed up a bit again. For once, it took forever to get done with the glasses, and knowing we’d have to get up and going again the following day to bring kitten to the vet. Hubby really wanted to have a day where he could just sit at home.

Tarot: Prince of Grails * (Knight of Cups)

Reversed, fantasies, illusions, being caught up in emotions/the moment, chasing after fantasies and dreams, emotionally unstable and/or upset; moodiness. My emotions might go on a bit of a rollercoaster ride today, might be rather moody and depressed feeling. Probably have to take care not to let my bad mood get out of hand, and start lashing out. Something might unsettle me rather deeply.

ð Me and hubby both weren’t too happy yesterday with the eye glass situation. First, we came there pretty much first in line for the exam. Hubby had a bit of a irritation moment when one of the ladies working there gave us a weird annoyed look, and barely explained anything to us regarding the forms we had to fill out … felt more like we were a bother. Then, turned out, the doctor wasn’t there yet. So, till he came in, which was roughly almost 45 minutes after the time for the appointment, the exam itself went well and quick. After I had the exam, I picked out a frame, and we asked them how long it approximately be till they were done … we were told about 2 – 3 pm. Grief … so we ran around somewhat unsure of what to do. Wouldn’t have thought it take that long (well over 5 hours) to make the lenses, but, ok. Didn’t put hubby in a very good mood, that’s for sure, and even I started getting rather irritable towards 3 pm. We show up at the time they said they’d be done (3:15 pm), just to find out they weren’t done yet. That really didn’t sit well with hubby. He kept his cool, but I think they could tell he wasn’t happy. Fortunately, it didn’t take too terribly much longer before they were finally done and we could make our way home. Still, boy, what a long drawn-out day just to get glasses.