Tag Archives: Birds

Daily Draw 07-27-2014

Daily Draw 07-27-2014

Lenormand: 17 Stork

Change, move. Might be I’d like to change something today, or something is going to change – whether I would like it to or not. Staying flexible might be another important aspect.

Great Lenormand: King of Diamonds

Present, audience, gift. Someone might approach me with an offer or a nice ‘gift’. Or I might try to do something nice for someone else. Being generous and giving. Sharing one’s wealth and riches, material or otherwise.

Skat: 9 of Hearts

Love, romance, relationship, commitment, wish fulfillment. Either, something I’ve been wishing/hoping for might come about, or I might have a strong desire for something/someone. Also, a pleasant day with pleasant encounters.

Tarot: World *

World reversed, incompletion, dissatisfaction, not being able to finish something, or possibly not wanting something to end. I might have something I’d like to close the chapter on, but it somehow just doesn’t seem possible. Or there’s something I *should* be closing the chapter on, but I’m clinging on to.


Daily Draw 07-26-2014

Lenormand: 12 Birds

Unrest, nervousness, stress, sorrow, sadness; talk, gossip, chit-chat; two people/group of people. Beware of gossip today. Furthermore, minor issues resulting in some stress and irritation flaring up. Something causing a bit of a ruckus.

ð Had a brief chat with one of my buddies. But, nothing stressful or unpleasant. Hubby didn’t feel all to great, and he was, initially, in a bit of a sour and irritated mood.

Great Lenormand: Jack of Clubs

Chase, chasing after something/someone, trying to catch up with something/someone; lure, bait. Someone might be dangling a ‘lure’ in front of me, trying to bait me with something. Or, simply, I feel like I can’t quite catch up with something today, that I’m always a tad behind of what I set out to accomplish.

ð Well, still fighting to decide whether to stay on that one realm or not. Getting tired of starting over, and I reckon I’ll just have to come to terms with the reality that they’ve connected so many realms to each other by now, there always will be people on. I’m used to fewer people, and it makes questing easier. All these realm connections, I’m not the biggest fan of them. Understand the idea behind it, and for some aspects of the gameplay, that might be beneficial, but for what I prefer to do, it’s not really true. So, I did wind up deleting characters from a realm, just to go back to it. In a way, I felt like I couldn’t ‘catch up’ with myself today in terms of coming to a decision there, and getting my characters starters and leveled up.

Skat: Queen of Hearts

Married woman, female querent, wife. Either, something that will relate directly to me in some ways, is important to me on a more personal level – or another woman becoming somehow important. Approaching matters in a gentle, intuitive, ‘motherly’ way?

ð Not sure. No other woman really I could think of. Bought a new eyeliner the other day, and it’s working out well. That might be it, as I feel it looks better than the one I’ve tried before. So, maybe in the aspect of Queen of Hearts as ‘beauty’ and ‘feminine touch’, that might be it. Not the best with make-up anyway, still figuring out a lot, hadn’t used make-up for years, decades, actually. Many a thing still somewhat ‘alien’ to me. Told hubby, usually, once I’m done putting on make-up, I feel more like a ‘tragic clown project’ than beautiful. He usually laughs it off and says I’m doing fine, and looking good. Very good hubby and knows just what to say. Regardless, might have to break down and watch some YouTube video on how to put on make-up without feeling like a tragic clown.

Tarot: 4 of Knives (4 of Swords)

Rest, silence, retreat, calm, withdrawal, respite. Taking a (mental) break from something. Trying to remain calm and centered – or setting out to find that calm, focused mindset. Being a bit more withdrawn – or also, simply abstaining from making rash decisions in a matter. Take a step back, think it through first.

ð It was, overall, a calm day. Hubby got up, ate something, then decided to cut the ever-growing and never-ceasing-to-grow grass, and then played his games. Trying to have one chill day without going anywhere before heading back to work.

Daily Draw 07-26-2014

Daily Draw 07-26-2014

Lenormand: 12 Birds

Unrest, nervousness, stress, sorrow, sadness; talk, gossip, chit-chat; two people/group of people. Beware of gossip today. Furthermore, minor issues resulting in some stress and irritation flaring up. Something causing a bit of a ruckus.

Great Lenormand: Jack of Clubs

Chase, chasing after something/someone, trying to catch up with something/someone; lure, bait. Someone might be dangling a ‘lure’ in front of me, trying to bait me with something. Or, simply, I feel like I can’t quite catch up with something today, that I’m always a tad behind of what I set out to accomplish.

Skat: Queen of Hearts

Married woman, female querent, wife. Either, something that will relate directly to me in some ways, is important to me on a more personal level – or another woman becoming somehow important. Approaching matters in a gentle, intuitive, ‘motherly’ way?

Tarot: 4 of Knives (4 of Swords)

Rest, silence, retreat, calm, withdrawal, respite. Taking a (mental) break from something. Trying to remain calm and centered – or setting out to find that calm, focused mindset. Being a bit more withdrawn – or also, simply abstaining from making rash decisions in a matter. Take a step back, think it through first.


Daily Draw 07-25-2014

Lenormand: 10 Scythe

Cut, end, harvest, sudden beginning/end; harsh, unexpected; scare. Might be something unexpected taking place today, something sudden. Or, I might feel that I need to cut something out, end something, and move on. Having to be cautious not to be too aggressive and/or harsh.

ð In the morning, had a bit of a problem getting things going. One of them mornings where a lot of little things didn’t seem to care to work with me. Finally got better. Then, hubby had an issue with one of his games that he downloaded an update for the previous night. Had to restart the whole game, which didn’t make him very happy. So, in that regard, the sudden, unexpected ‘end’ seems appropriate. Apart from it being extremely annoying and frustrating.

Great Lenormand: 3 of Clubs

Experimentation, examination, observation, waiting, patience. Paying attention to things as they unfold, and see what’s going on, trying to figure out if something *is* working or not, and if not, make necessary changes/adjustments. Overall, paying attention to matters.

ð Still feel a bit like I’m drifting in one of my games. Not sure I feel at home on any of the realms I’m currently playing on, and I keep bouncing around, trying to get a ‘feel’ for each one and figure out whether I want to stay on it, and level my characters or not. I miss my other co-player. She hadn’t been on in over a month again. Talked briefly to another buddy of mine, but he hadn’t heard from her either. Think it’s another reason I’m feeling rather restless and incapable (and/or unwilling) to settle for a realm at the moment.

Skat: 10 of Hearts

Harmony, love, marriage, commitment, solution, family, happiness. Ought to be a pleasant day. Things going well (not yet, starting out was kinda rough so far, so hopefully it’ll begin getting better) with a harmonious and content atmosphere in general. Family might become important. Or, finding the solution to a problem.

ð Apart from the somewhat ‘rough’ start, and the issue with hubby’s game, it overall was a rather chill and nice day, after all. Once we got past the issues.

Tarot: Judgment

Awakening, call, reckoning, judgment, awareness, revival. Might be feeling drawn strongly towards something, or feel very strongly about something that’s been ‘calling’ me for a bit. Apart from picking up my studies for the driver’s test, I’ve been wanting to read up and get back into Reiki and practicing it some more again. And, my Tarot studies, of course, as well. Otherwise, might feel like part of me – or something in my life – is being ‘reborn’ or fire rekindled.

ð I started my Reiki up again. I forgot how sleepy it sometimes makes me. Starting to wonder if it’s not better to do it in the evening, rather than in the morning. Otherwise, I didn’t really feel “called” by anything in particular yesterday other than to pick up my Reiki practice again. Felt guilty for not working out, so, that’s another thing in the back of my mind I told myself I have to do and keep it up.

Daily Draw 07-10-2014

Daily Draw 07-10-2014

Lenormand: 22 Roads

New roads, options, decisions. Might be faced with a couple of decisions today, figure out what to do about something and/or start something new.

Great Lenormand: 7 of Diamonds

Pandora’s box, what so-unlovely-sight. Disaster, chaos, mishaps, dire situation, desperation, poverty. Well, seems today might be a day where I encounter a lot of things going wrong, feeling desperate and/or gloomy. There’s actually one thing right now I am very concerned with already. Drew the cards, but didn’t look at them before going outside to feed our outside cats. The kitten is nowhere to be seen … I just hope his mom didn’t lead him to the woodline, and him with his eyes still being so messed up got lost in the woods … breaks my heart to think that’s what happens but there’s no way I’ll find him out there if he did get lost. We got foxes in the area, I know that, so chances are if he got lost, they probably got him. He’s just so young, I didn’t want to separate him from his mom yet. Was worried something like this would happen. I hope hubby’s right, and he’ll show up in a bit. Hope he’s just under house, napping.

Skat: Ace of Hearts

Home, family, house, personal affairs, self. Something in/around the house being of import today. I know hubby’s in a “cleaning the house” mood, kind of a late spring cleaning, decluttering everything.

Tarot: 10 of Skulls (10 of Pentacles)

Success, attainment, comfort, luxury. With the card being upside down, however, loss, poverty, limitations, dissatisfaction. Feeling that I haven’t been able to accomplish something. Feeling like I’m falling short on/of something or that I’m lacking in a matter (with Pentacles, probably in a more material, tangible department). Just not being quite happy with how things turn out today … as if I could’ve/should’ve/ought to have done better.


Daily Draw 07-09-2014

Lenormand: 12 Birds

Unrest, small/minor upset/sorrow, communication, gossip; two or three people, a group. Not sure yet. Might be feeling restless and a bit unnerved. Woke up feeling not the most rested, but I knew it’ll take a couple of days after staying up that late the other day to get my rest caught up with again. Smalltalks? Maybe with hubby. Otherwise, not sure.

ð Actually, we went back to Gamestop. Hubby didn’t like the games he got the other day, so, we went right back, traded them in for some other games. Also went grocery shopping, picked up a few items, came home. Neither me nor hubby are feeling all too rested. This switch-over’s been hard on him. Not sure why, but I know both of us are struggling this go around and feel we just can’t quite catch up on rest. Makes both of us somewhat more irritable and unmotivated.

Great Lenormand: Queen of Diamonds

Choice, decision, discord, friction, pending disaster. Time to choose carefully, but also, don’t let a choice/decision create friction and/or discord. Contemplating it carefully, not rushing into something but keeping a cool head.

ð Didn’t really feel like going back to Gamestop, to be honest. But, didn’t want to just blow that money on games he doesn’t care for. I don’t like being wasteful, and not going would’ve felt like I was being wasteful. Took him again some time to figure out what he wanted this go around. Was just hoping and praying he’ll pick something he likes this time. Really not in the mood to go turn around and go back one more time. So far, so good. Seems to like the games he got. Knock on wood.

Skat: Jack of Clubs

Negation, negativity, official matters, institution; pet. Something not going as planned or simply not happening. Also, a pet might be playing a role today – thinking of our little kitten we’re still trying to get his eyes better again.

ð Beginning to think this card shows up lately when I feel rather drained and tired. Felt so-so in the first half of the day, but later on started feeling seriously badly but trying to reset my hours. Hubby fared the same way. He got up earlier than me, initially felt pretty good but by time I got up a few hours later, he started to already have issues again feeling sleepy. He’s frustrated as it’s been the hardest switch-over in a while. Not sure why.

Tarot: 3 of Skulls (3 of Pentacles)

Card today is reversed, so, either failing to seize opportunities, or creating more havoc and making ill-advised decisions. Another possibility, inaction, lethargy, not wanting or feeling like being able to shape a situation according to wish/desire. Something beyond my control/influence. Things simply not falling into place/not going smooth.

ð Well, I was disappointed and frustrated the games he got the other day turned out to be, well, not to his satisfaction and liking. Hate when that happens. Luckily, they got a policy where you can trade games in you don’t like if you return them within 7 days of purchase. Was just hoping he’d pick something that he likes, and so far, he does. Knocking on wood it stays that way. Otherwise, neither one of us felt very motivated nor energetic. Somewhat of a “blah” day, really.

Daily Draw 07-09-2014

Daily Draw 07-09-2014

Lenormand: 12 Birds

Unrest, small/minor upset/sorrow, communication, gossip; two or three people, a group. Not sure yet. Might be feeling restless and a bit unnerved. Woke up feeling not the most rested, but I knew it’ll take a couple of days after staying up that late the other day to get my rest caught up with again. Smalltalks? Maybe with hubby. Otherwise, not sure.

Great Lenormand: Queen of Diamonds

Choice, decision, discord, friction, pending disaster. Time to choose carefully, but also, don’t let a choice/decision create friction and/or discord. Contemplating it carefully, not rushing into something but keeping a cool head.

Skat: Jack of Clubs

Negation, negativity, official matters, institution; pet. Something not going as planned or simply not happening. Also, a pet might be playing a role today – thinking of our little kitten we’re still trying to get his eyes better again.

Tarot: 3 of Skulls (3 of Pentacles)

Card today is reversed, so, either failing to seize opportunities, or creating more havoc and making ill-advised decisions. Another possibility, inaction, lethargy, not wanting or feeling like being able to shape a situation according to wish/desire. Something beyond my control/influence. Things simply not falling into place/not going smooth.


Daily Draw 07-08-2014

Lenormand: 19 Tower

Isolation, withdrawal, separation, distance; foreign country, abroad; institutions, official matters. Might feel withdrawn and not like socializing too much today.

ð Felt so tired today, I sure didn’t feel like doing anything, period. Played my game a bit, read a book, that’s about it.

Great Lenormand: 5 of Diamonds

Carelessness, recklessness, chaos, (pending) disaster (due to lack of self-control, restraint, foolishness), loss of control, rushing into something headlong. Need to be cautious and disciplined as there’s a potential for creating a mess if I’m reckless and/or don’t pay proper attention today. Might feel that I’m loosing control in a matter no matter how hard I try to retain/regain that control. Friction and frustrations are possible.

ð No disaster, and I was way too tired to tackle much today, so not sure. Maybe testing my own limits by trying to stay up as long as I could to reset my hours. I was rather irritable, so had to really try not to take it out on others.

Skat: Jack of Clubs

Negation, negativity, official matters, institution, pet. Things not going as smooth and without problems as I wish they would. Complications and/or mishaps are possible. Something going wrong and/or going awry.

ð Same, think me trying to keep my irritability in check, trying to make sure I’m not accidentally lashing out just because I felt so bad.

Tarot: 16 Tower

Sudden change/impact, suddenness, out of the blue events/issues, chaos, disaster, friction; sudden insights/realizations that ‘strike’ like lightening; something being broke (up). The card is actually reversed, so not sure whether that might indicate a less profound impact or things just simply being beyond my control, and me having to sit there and watch things unfold without little I can do about it. Either way, possible (sudden and unexpected) issues headed my way.

ð More like imploding, what I felt like yesterday. So tired, barely made it through the day.